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Tag: Editor’s Pick
The Mass of the Holy Spirit inaugurates each school year, and it is a deep-rooted Jesuit tradition going back hundreds of years. It marks the beginning of...
A smear of brown mud slashes across red, puffy cheeks and pale, muscular legs as brightly-colored shoes splash directly into the shallow puddle of...
Although there are many strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries, there is one berry that presides among all of them; Ian Berry!
Mr. Ian Berry ’07 was born...
13 deaths. Over 60,000 homes damaged. Over $9 billion dollars in damage. 136,000 workers now currently unemployed. Families uprooted. Friends separated. Lives changed. These...
“This team has worked extremely hard the last few months, and we are very excited about the challenges ahead. We need to keep developing...
Your first day of school is always hectic; it's a foregone conclusion. That's why Jesuit implements orientation before school starts so the students can ease...
Whenever I approach one of my parents' friends, I brace myself for an interrogation. They always ask one of two things: where do you...
25 students, 4 sponsors, 724 miles, and 1 NJCL convention. Members of Jesuit's Junior Classical League, a club for Latin students, traveled to Indiana University...