As  we go through our day, we rarely stop to think about the idea of life.  It seems to be something that simply is.  Nobody questions or thinks about the love necessary to facilitate life or the great blessing that life is.  The Jesuit Pro-Life club is trying to draw attention to this incredible gift by “focusing on a celebration of life this year,” explains Mr. Harrington, one of the group’s moderators.

Why celebrate life?  Because hearts do not change through lofty scientific discussions on the reality of life from conception to natural death.  The idea of celebrating life provides an alternative method of drawing attention to the inherent good of the pro-life argument by encouraging people to think about the joys o

f life itself while “celebrating life in all forms,” according to one of the clubs co-presidents, senior Sam Ford.

How do we celebrate life? First and foremost, by “accompanying tens of thousands of other supporters of the pro life cause on a pilgrimage to the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., a national Pro-Life rally marking the anniversary of the historic Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion,” says Ford.  This rally in Washington, D.C. is the largest gathering of Pro-Life supporters in the United States and exemplifies the passion of Pro-Lifers in cultivating a culture of life.  Two other important hopes of the club are “to help the community and get a larger number of students at Jesuit involved,” Mr. Harrington comments, goals that will be accomplished in part by “organizing a diaper drive with the White Rose Center in Dallas.”  The final major event the club plans to attend is the Bishop’s Annual Pro-Life Dinner, where Ford says that “students not only hear terrific Pro-Life speakers, but also get community service hours for helping set up for the dinner and cleaning up afterwards.”

With so many high hopes for this year, Sam Ford states that “this is a very exciting year for the club” and that “if you haven’t checked out the Jesuit Pro-Life Club yet, this year is the year to do it,” a clear indication of the general enthusiasm surrounding it.  So come out and join the club for one event or another and find out what the Pro-Life Club is all about.


Photography by Mrs. MacLellan