Since everybody knows that Mr. Berry has the most delectable neckwear on campus, I’ve decided to take up the wondrous task of reviewing his ties from Monday October 9, 2023 to Friday October 13, 2023. This is my collection of thoughts on this glorious matter.
Starting off very exquisite with a nicely formatted floral tie, I’m sure this bow tie made everyone feel a little giddy inside when they first laid their peepers on this baby. The pastel green of the leaves attune well to the darker pants with the warmer colors bouncing off the white shirt. In a sense this outfit gives off an aura of “bonheur” and “triomphe”. If you saw this exotic fit on Monday, you were bound to go into the day with a great mindset and daring attitude. Rating: 8.4/10


This tie I’d describe as melancholy, it feels as if you were looking out the window as it poured on a cold day. The tie, while going well with the gray pants, dose not fare the same way with the shirt. While the cooler colors on the shirt red, blue, purple translate nicely with dark purple tie, the white base makes the suit feel off. While the garb as a whole is solid with a nice amount of moodiness, it pales in comparison to the other incontestable attire. Rating: 7.3/10

One of the most cohesive costumes on the list, this grab emits a sense of pride and valor. Mr. Berry is obviously very proud of teaching students and he shows this with this particular attire. The grey pants and light purple shirt contrast nicely with the deep blue tie with little white fleur de lis spread across it. Let’s get a little more in-depth with the tie. The tie itself evokes subtle richness and softness that is hard to come by. It makes me feel if I’m strolling into a modern home, with sleek cool colors on the wall, an enormous white chandelier, and six bathrooms. Rating: 9/10
Looking straight out of a spy movie, Mr. Berry was feeling adventurous. Taking a well-paid-off risk with the eye examination tie. The colors make me feel as if there is a grand mystery that needs to be solved. The olive pants, the black and white shirt, the tie: it all adds up to make a truly special outfit. Mr. Berry always puts an obscene amount of effort into to his choice of clothing, but this is truly one of the fashion statements of all time. Rating: 8.2/10

For Friday Mr. Berry went all out with everything he had. The tie is a piece of art. The beautiful array of splashy pastel colors and the way he tied the tie are masterful. The light greens, blues, and pinks create a soft looking outfit. This is elevated by the blue-white shirt and white pants. Since these colors are already present in the tie, it helps brings out the pink and green making the uniform more colorful.Overall Mr. Berry has created a pristine piece of art that is a marvel to look at, his best tie yet. Rating: 10/10