It’s without question that Jesuit takes its plethora of athletic programs very seriously, but for good reason. With multiple teams frequently playing in state and national championships while, at the same time, maintaining a strong connection to Jesuit’s mission, the athletic facet of Jesuit is a formidable force. As competitive as these teams are, it’s almost a given that the selection and try out process is highly vigorous. However, students, both athlete and non-athlete, frequent a well-kept tradition that fosters brotherhood within a capsule of a non-competitive sport.
I’m talking about intramural sports. More specifically, the intramural soccer tournament that took place in December. Every Monday from 6-8pm, about 50 students participated in the competition. The championship game was played on December 7th, 2015.
For Bobby Wunderlick ’17, he found the competition to be a “fun way to connect with friends and compete in sports [he] likes in a not so competitive environment.” Bolstering camaraderie within the school, Wunderlick “wanted to be on a team with my friends and we hoped to secure the victory.” In the end, Wunderlick’s team, struggling through a “not so great regular season,… suffered a crushing defeat in the finals.” Despite the loss, Wunderlick maintains that intramural sports are “a fun way to play sports without a huge commitment.”
While omitting most aspects found in traditional sports, the competition remains competitive, but no aggressive behavior is shown. From its origins back in 2010, this pattern has ensued and thus provides a place for Jesuit students to escape “from the stress of their school work and other extra-curricular activities,” per Coach Jonathan Alexander, commissioner of the league. Alexander attested to the healthy, competitive atmosphere by saying that “Participants want to win, but it’s also a good time,” assurance that the purity of the intramural sports is respected by the participants.
Attracting participants from multiple grade levels and activities, Alexander noted that there were “more soccer players that played for Jesuit’s soccer program participating in the indoor soccer league than normal.” Non-exclusive to any group, the program welcomed active soccer players who were able to prepare for their rigorous season ahead by taking part in the event.
Regarding the future intramural sports competitions that will undoubtedly be held, Coach Alexander “can’t divulge any secrets,” but he told The Roundup that “The indoor soccer [intramurals] may get a whole lot BIGGER in certain areas next year.” The size of the competition expands each year due to the constant love of the program from a diverse range of students who find amusement in the annual tournament.