Class of 2016 Graduation


For most, it was a day four short years in the making. Together, the Class of 2016 celebrated their final moments as Jesuit students. On May 28th, the seniors convened at SMU for their graduation ceremony to receive their hard-earned diplomas.


“The moment is honestly quite thrilling when you first walk down the aisle to your seat,” explained Aidan Leahy ’16. 273 young men took their seats on the 28th and took part in the very special event. Senior Garrett Alldredge thought that “graduation went really s
moothly! Though it was a really long day, I really appreciated the final time I had with all my Jesuit brothers present and in the same room.”


The day was certainly filled with a myriad of feelings for everyone present. “I had to keep telling myself ‘stand up straight!'” said Joseph Duebner ’16. “But really it’s just the thought that the last four years are over. I think a lot of people see that as just a conclusion to four years but I kind of see it as an opening to the next adventure.” While they all look forward to what comes next, the seniors still enjoyed the moment. Duebner himself loved “the alma mater and then yell at the end.” It seems fitting that the Class of 2016 should do one last yell together before they go their separate ways beyond Jesuit.
