Despite extreme weather forcing Jesuit Dallas to close for nearly a week, the Chinese Club persisted with their plans to host a celebration for the Chinese New Year. On February 5, the Chinese Club hosted a Lunar New Year event to celebrate the beginning of the lunar cycle, allowing students to share in the festivities. The festivities included a...
After several failures of literary and journalistic merit arising from associate editors and freshmen staff writers, his most holy, exultant, blessed, and glorious Dr. Degen has instituted a new system of punishment for disobedient reporters.
With the ascent of Logan Thompson, Editor in Chief, Kevin Babu, Managing Editor, Griffin Taber, Chief Associate Editor, as well as all senior editors present,...
On Tuesday, January 10, The Godly Guys hosted the first all-school prayer service for the year. The main theme for the prayer service was to try and understand your identity with Christ and how in the new year you can grow your relationship with God. The Jesuit community was told that at first, we are children and followers of...
Roman Catholics are expected to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once or twice a year. Preferably, it is highly recommended that Catholics receive the sacrament during Advent and Lent. In December, the Jesuit Dallas Campus Ministry offered the opportunity to receive this incredible sacrament. During lunch periods from December 5-8, the Jesuit priests would listen to a...
If you don’t know we are smack dab in the middle of a melting pot of glorious and fascinating cultures present within Texas. As such, there are bound to be great selections of cuisine ranging from Soul, American, Hispanic, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, and more incredible choices to dine at. The following list will contain various different cuisines and as...
One dark and stormy night, Mr. Goll noticed a leak in the roof, damaging a painting. In an act of bravery and honor, he saved the painting, cementing himself not as the hero Jesuit deserved but as the one they needed. He brought the salvaged painting to his office, but after realizing it wasn't worth much on eBay, he...
"It was a refreshing experience serving the disadvantaged in our community. Definitely, the best way to spend the holidays."- Logan Thompson 24"
On Thanksgiving morning, Jesuit provided meals to 4,500 individuals who were unable to afford a meal for the holidays. This event was hosted by Visiting Nurse Association's Meals on Wheels event. On a cold, wet, and early morning,...
Whether in the hallways or cafeteria, freshmen deliberate who will best represent their class. As elections close, three distinct candidates were nominated to the freshmen student council board.
Freshman President: Nathan Long
Currently, as a football player and former student body vice president at St. Rita, Nathan emphasizes on the importance of representing Jesuit. This can occur through "getting a good...