Nine years after the publication of HBO's groundbreaking war epic, Band of Brothers, creators Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks forged a companion piece to their previous show. Seeking to explore a miniseries covering the stories of American Marines in the Pacific, the pair set out to create yet another emotionally intense, foreboding, yet commemorative film series to honor the sacrifices...
Around two weeks ago, I semi-re-watched the film In the Mood For Love by legendary Hong Kong filmmaker Wong Kai-war. I started watching the movie a few months ago, sometime in September. Still, I only got halfway through the film before stopping and never really got back to finishing it. I eventually gave up on finishing it and decided it...
When I was 13 years old, I found an old set of DVDs in my parent's living room cabinet in a metal box with the title "Band of Brothers" enshrined on the front. I looked at the front cover. A group of soldiers stood in the destroyed ruins of a city, some talking to each other and others staring...
The Hunger Games, a popular book series by Suzanne Collins, recently had a new movie adaptation released. The Movie covered a prequel to the Hunger Games trilogy, “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.” I recently had the pleasure of watching the movie, and I am excited to share my thoughts.
In the first book of the original trilogy, one of...
Everyone goes to the theater at least once in their 4 years at Jesuit. Usually, people go there for class meetings, mandatory class guest speaker events, or to watch one of the plays. But now, with Film Club's recent use of the facility, you can also use it as a movie theater!
From Humble Beginnings
This past Friday, after school at...
By now, the sophomores have concluded reading F. Scott Fitzgerald's famed novel 'The Great Gatsby' and have likely watched the 2013 movie, which for many, is a shining example of the culture and society in 1922. When the film first released, it was quickly critically acclaimed, and sparked a public interest in the 1920s, painting an image of what...
"In this world, a man himself is nothing. And there ain't no world but this one."
"You're wrong there top, I've seen another world. Sometimes I think it was just my imagination."
"Well, then you've seen things I never will. We're living in a world that is blowing itself to hell faster than everybody can arrange it... in a situation like...
(Warning this Review Contains Spoilers)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 is a fitting end to the much-beloved trilogy in the MCU. Coming into Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, I had lost track of the MCU film franchise, ever since Endgame. I had only watched one other MCU film. The reason for this is that MCU films have been quite bad...