Saturday, May 18, 2024

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News Coverage of Jesuit Academics, Campus Life, Clubs & Activities, Community Profiles, Community Service, and the Jesuit Archives

On March 29th, the Ignatian Day focused on the question posed in the Gospel of Luke: “Who is my neighbor?” Connecting the message from the I-Day to another "I" day, on March 31st, Campus Ministry invited a wide array of speakers to allow students to hear from a multitude of perspectives on and to begin to answer the question...
The shrill sounds of a beeping alarm clock wake senior Connor O'Neill up at 5:45 a.m. Rubbing his eyes, he throws a shirt and shorts on and, grabbing his keys, makes the early morning drive up to school. After a grueling yet refreshing morning run, Connor begins his school day, working through his all-honors/AP schedule while fighting the urge...
In Texas, while the heat may come and go, one thing's for certain: we use a great amount of water. A US Geological Survey tracked domestic water use over a 15 year period and discovered that per day, Texans use 76-100 gallons of water per person. Here in North Texas, one organization is looking to change those numbers. On Saturday April...
Time flies. Regardless of if you're a senior or a freshman, you can still imagine what the newness of Jesuit felt like. In April, these feelings are especially visceral as you move into the next phase of your academic career. Even though these feelings are seemingly exclusive to students, the faculty and administration sense these phases as well. On March...
April 4, 2017, was High School Journalism Day and eight junior and senior editors embarked on a journey to The Dallas Morning News Station to participate in the 26th Annual High School Journalism Day and Competition. The event hosted schools from around the Dallas metroplex, only one of which would win the coveted “Best Website” title. While disappointed to...
The trip where students are forced to carry 49 pounds of (medical) drugs through foreign airports. Where students spend hours driving up and down one-lane roads on the sides of mountains, fearing each bump as if the truck is going to tip over. Where each day is spent with 6-10 hours in a clinic, tending to the needs of...
Not many high school students are given the opportunity to personally conduct scientific research alongside doctors and graduate students, but UT Southwestern and Jesuit will allow 3 deserving students that opportunity. But before they can represent Jesuit and properly assist the doctors with their research, 3 students must be selected through a rigorous process that includes a series of...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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