An aged wooden table. An old, but effective, ballot box. A few rickety voting booths. And of course, the infamous pencils with spoons taped...
A record voter turnout, and an unprecedented result of a sophomore vs. junior ticket. The crazy Student Council Primaries have broken nearly all the...
22El Presidente. Le président. 总统. Der Präsident. While he has many names, he has one power above all: to lead Jesuit's student body.
The Student Council...
Vote for Me! No, Vote for Me!
It all started during 4th period, Town Hall, a way for students to inform themselves about who...
Seeking new opportunities at Jesuit, many freshman want to diversify their leadership roles at Jesuit. One of the best ways to do this is...
Wednesday, November 9, 2016: the day millions of Americans woke up to their Twitter feeds, news providers, neighbors, and parents bombarding them with the...
In preparation for tomorrow's Student Council Student Body President and Vice President Elections, The Roundup sat down with the candidates to see what they...
In preparation for tomorrow's Student Council Student Body President and Vice President Elections, The Roundup sat down with the candidates to see what they...