Friday, May 17, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Last month, around a dozen wide-eyed students, mostly from the junior class, expressed their interest in running for student body president or vice president. Pair after pair of running mates flocked to the office of Dr. Michael Degen,  student council moderator, requesting forms and raising questions about the responsibilities of student office. In the following three weeks, the candidate field thinned...
Annually, the entire Jesuit student body decides who will best represent their school in the Student Council (STUCO) elections. On February 15, 2023, this year will feature four tickets or pairs running for STUCO body leadership. Recently, the candidates have conducted advertising campaigns across campus, including introducing themselves to underclassmen and composing speeches. These speeches reflect each candidate’s...
Every year Jesuit students vote for their new Student Body President and Vice President. During this month of February, four different teams of two juniors have begun their campaigns and started to share their ideas with their student body. These pairs have been preparing for the upcoming preliminary elections on March 5th. Of these eight candidates, this article will focus...
Jesuit College Prep is not just a private high school well known for its academic and sports excellence. It is much more than that. At its core, Jesuit is a close knit community made up of students, teachers, and alumni who have benefited and continue to benefit from the generosity of others. But, more importantly, the Jesuit community continuously...
Active in representing their class, student council members act as liaisons between the student body and administration. A good representative listens to the requests of his peers and leads the push for changes. Entrusted with great responsibility, student council members are selected by a popular vote of their peers, a process that puts great power into the hands of...
Being elected President of the United States is no small feat. Running to lead the most powerful country in the world puts candidates and their track records under the nation's scrutiny. Candidates spend years and hundreds of millions of dollars to keep their presidential hopes alive, often abandoning their values to amass funds and votes. Though an election of similar...
With posters hanging in every hallway, the freshmen student council election was on everyone's minds. This first student council election plants the foundation for ongoing student representation, and although it isn't set in stone, the victors generally return to a position of leadership in the following years. Consisting of a strong group of freshmen candidates,this years election included freshman Sam...
Study Body President / Vice Presidential Election:  Tuesday, February 15. Candidates: Tim Nguyen '12 and Chris Wallace '12 Scott Weiss '12 and Christian Bartholomew '12 Patrick Chester '12 and Anthony Catalano '12

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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