Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Jesuit’s Campus Ministry Program provides students with the opportunity to participate in liturgical celebrations as well as to strengthen their personal faith through different opportunities for spiritual growth. Parker Thompson '15, when asked about Campus Ministry, said, " really allows me to give back to the community and live out my Christian calling." This year, Campus Ministry is undergoing several changes, including...
“Freedom and Brotherhood, Service and Friendship, Dear Mother, help us to cherish your dream. Teach us to seek truth and form us into your sons. Jesuit, implant in us all God’s love.” We sing the words of our Alma Mater after every Friday morning prayer service, its opening phrase creating a concrete reminder that reinforces who we are as a...
Why do we attend prayer service every week? Why do we take six minutes out of our day to pray the Examen? Why do we get to call ourselves "Jesuit?" We often take these aspects of our school for granted, but it's important to realize what we stand for. This year, over the course of the next five to...
Fiddling with his red and blue poker chips, the Jesuit student looked at his cards one last time. "All in," he said confidently only to reveal three-of-a-kind aces, bringing in the pot! Looking over to his dad, he got a big high-five and a pat on the back. On September 18, this was the scene in the Terry Center as fathers...
On Tuesday, September 9, Jesuit’s cafeteria, gym, Terry Center, and classrooms transformed. Tables filled with pamphlets and information about 249 colleges from around the country and even outside the country, including schools from France and Switzerland. A tradition for the past three to four decades, Jesuit’s annual College Night has been a great success, attracting more and more students every...
Opening Video of the Campus Ministry Prayer Service on September 26, 2014 Copyright: "Fishers of Men" by Grassroots Films "Blessed to Be a Witness" by Ben Harper Photography By: Last Roundup Photography Mr. Matt DuRoss '05
“We humans seem to always find it easier to pray when we are afraid of dying, but most of us fortunately don’t find ourselves in life or death situations very often. But all of us as part of our human condition face another type of storm. We face our internal storms – involving relationships, family problems, and events we...
It was a dark and overcast night. A sea of Vineyard Vines frocket t-shirts (shirts with pockets on the front) and Sperry top-siders approached Jesuit. The strong mixture of cologne and perfume filled the heavy air. A storm was brewing, both inside and outside the Terry Center. The Freshman Mixer had started. On Saturday, September 6, 2014, Jesuit hosted the...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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