Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education.
One needs to look no further than the first sentence of Jesuit's mission statement to find that directly at the root of Jesuit, is a Catholic education. And with new faces and bigger roles, the revamped Campus Ministry team seeks to further bring the central Catholic values...
After three long months away from homework, tests, and extracurricular activities, students here at Jesuit started the new school year in the Terry Center as Mr. Garrison addressed students and faculty in the annual “Principal’s Prayer Service.” Mr. Garrison began by welcoming the entire community back for the 2017-18 school year, particularly the new freshman class of 2021. The...
2:00 a.m.--Placed atop the altar, the small flames of eleven yellow candles dance and flicker in the dim light of the synagogue. The subtle bursts of radiance from the candles illuminate the intricate golden Hebrew script festooning the walls of the worship space. At this early morning hour, two figures stand on the Bimah, or pulpit, looking out on to empty...
About 40 students and faculty members filter into the chapel. There is a low buzz of conversation until the voices are hushed and a calm silence falls over the people gathered. They have reconvened on a Monday night in late April to celebrate Mass, share a meal, and reflect on what they have all just experienced a month earlier:...
On March 29th, the Ignatian Day focused on the question posed in the Gospel of Luke: “Who is my neighbor?” Connecting the message from the I-Day to another "I" day, on March 31st, Campus Ministry invited a wide array of speakers to allow students to hear from a multitude of perspectives on and to begin to answer the question...
Photography by Tucker Redding, SJ
On January 27th, 2017 the Jesuit community engaged in a prayer service to encourage “sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice” (Pope Francis 2016). Three seniors shared
their faith stories Friday morningi: Matthew Clayton, Will Vincent, and Abbas Hussain.
Mrs. Crowder, Director of Campus Ministry, provided additional context:
It's one of the most celebrated Christmas traditions: lighting the Advent wreath. This Christmas season, Jesuit students and faculty partake in this tradition at the front of the school every Monday morning.
On Sunday before the first Monday of the season, the Advent wreath was blessed to begin the celebration. This process is continued every Monday morning before school with...
Romans 5:10 says, “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.” Through the death of Jesus Christ, man and the world were reconciled to God and were saved from their sins. This verse from the Letter...