The Student Council Prayer Service is an annual tradition at Jesuit that allows representatives on Student Council to lead the school in prayer. Led by the...
While the freshman class adjusts to Jesuit, they reflect on the beginning to of their high school experience and what it means to be...
A man sits down at his desk at 7:30 in the morning and proceeds to open up his laptop, revealing some familiar faces as...
Hundreds of students, faculty, and guests file into the the Terry Center, preparing for this very special occasion. A buzz of excitement hums over...
"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil." - Essex...
Hundreds of students proudly adorning bright red ties fidget in their seats, waiting in angst for the mass to begin. Suddenly, the students quiet...
At graduation, a Jesuit student is expected to be religious, one of the six integral qualities of The Profile. The Department of Campus Ministry fosters...
As on most Fridays, the students slowly marched to the Terry Center to attend normal Friday prayer service or mass.  But the moment their chairs entered eyesight,...