Friday, May 3, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Because this is a high school publication, most articles on The Roundup feature student events and achievements. However, Jesuit Dallas is much more than just high school boys. Without our faculty and staff, Jesuit Dallas would be a very different place indeed. This article serves to recognize Mr. Williams, a counselor and teacher at Jesuit for many years, and his...
Fredrick Douglas. Helen Keller. Caesar Chavez. What do these people have in common? All of them overcame hardships and difficulties to bring a message to the world. Paul McCormack represents the contemporary example of this brave heroism, devoting his entire life to the service of others despite the personal costs. He is the last man out, the last man...
In any ordinary museum, the visitors, allotted one visit in one day, tend to glance at the most prominent or famous pieces of art. In other cases, they tend to focus on pieces that “strike their fancy,” preferring particular styles of some works over others. However, the students of Jesuit receive four years, each about 180 days, to explore...
Jesuit Dallas has a wide variety of art pieces to offer in its museum around the campus. From the Color Rhythm piece facing the stairs in the Terry Center to the Lightning Field piece at the entrance of the school, they present viewers with a spectrum of colors, shapes and feelings, similar to the pieces and exhibits one can...
The Academy Awards, the world's largest film award event, has announced its nominees for winners in a number of categories for the 2023 Oscars. Here, we will break down the candidates for the major categories, evaluating which films should win, which are likely to win, and which were overlooked but should have received a nomination. BEST PICTURE Beginning with Best Picture,...
Over one hundred new art pieces, inspired by Picasso, join Jesuit's permanent museum collection. Throughout October, Mr. Howard organized his 3rd student exhibition, made up of pieces from student artists in Drawing I, 2D Design, AP Drawing, Ceramics. The exhibition, called La Exibicíon: A Tribute to Picasso, runs from November 6 to the 24th and showcases the work of 96...
If the end of the year were able to speak, it would holler, “Surprise! Finals time!” Students cram for their finals as they hatefully scroll their eyes across seemingly infinite pieces of paper while jerking their fingers upward to hear the pop of the seventh can of Red Bull. The process continues as the clock strikes one, two, and...