Over the past two years there has been a transition in the Arts Department from the old monicker "Jesuit Theater" to "Jesuit Stage and Film." Along with the change in name came a vast change in funding, funding that led to the purchase of elite film shooting and editing equipment as well as an upgrade in space. The film...
In the school’s first year of offering an organized film class, Jesuit also introduced an inaugural film festival. Few people expected such high quality films and judges as the ones that were attracted.
However, the judges’ task was far from easy. Not only did they have to whittle down a group of 74 films to 21 for presentation at the...
The word "action" is heard loud and clear, a soft click on a camera echoes. The whirring of the recording camera on a tripod sounds faintly. Finally those in front of the camera, along with those behind it, start to make the magic happen.
This May 8th and 9th Jesuit will host its very first annual film festival, opening each...
Photo by Will Scott '15
As the cramped hallway fills with students from all over the Dallas area, time slows to a halt and seconds begin to feel like hours. Until a name breaks the anxious silence, only nervous chatter can be heard from the other skittish students. Once auditions finish and directors praise your performance, the next three hours comprise...
A long standing tradition amongst the Jesuit Community, the fall brought with it a slew of nine Jesuit Senior-directed one acts. Crowds packed the theatre for four nights spread out across two Fridays and Saturdays respectively. Beginning in October, the Senior directors, working in partners, chose their casts and began rehearsing. As the seniors worked with the groups, they...
Atop the Jesuit stage, in front of a sold out crowd, switching between Italian and English in single dialogues, the cast of this year's fall production can proclaim the past two weekends of shows a success. Jesuit Stage and Flim's fall production of Peter Schaffer's Amadeus brought out record numbers of students and parents alike for two weekends of shows.
Consisting of about 23Â students...
Jesuit Stage & Film, known for its many exciting one-act plays, had to make a very hard decision this past year. They have decided to replace the Spring One Acts with the first-annual Jesuit Film Festival, which will take place over two weekends in the month of May. They believe that in the future, they will completely remove stage acting from...
Hands and legs shake while standing outside the theater. All eyes watch the door as you wait for instructions to enter. The door swings open, and you receive the signal to proceed to the stage and begin your audition. "Confidence is key, don't let your nerves show," advises Nicholas Dart '16. Shuffling your feet, you find your rhythm and confidence as your...