Carrying some kind of mechanical device, he stealthily follows a Jesuit student who seems to be carrying a black padded briefcase. The student suddenly starts sprinting, but he matches his pace, following only a couple feet away at each moment. Gunshots ring out...
Senior Chase Kengott is, in fact, a filmmaker, just releasing his latest work: The Brief Job, an...
On. Off. On. Off. The flickering lights of the theater rapidly switch on and off, repeatedly shedding light on the intricate American Flag-painted stage before replacing it with darkness. Familiar to many, the flashing lights alert the audience to silence their phones, to sit quietly, and enjoy the next hour and a half of the Jesuit Theater’s spring performance.
The theater darkens and the audience quiets as the bright actor's faces are illuminated by blinding yellow beams. In the packed theatre, the audience piles in to see four Dallas high schools perform for the first time in 2017!
Jesuit Theatre held its 13th annual senior-directed one acts on the weekends of January 20th and 27th. Over the four nights,...
As we enter the new year, we welcome the dramatic changes that have occurred in our Jesuit Stage and Film program, and to those who have not visited the lecture hall recently, a surprise awaits.
Beginning in the summer of 2015, the lecture hall renovations have been well under way, with improvements being made to the theater for both its performers and audience. It has remained mostly...
“'Maybe,' I figgered, 'maybe it's all men an' all women we love; maybe that's the Holy Sperit-the human sperit-the whole shebang. Maybe all men got one big soul ever'body's a part of.' Now I sat there thinkin' it, an' all of a suddent-I knew it. I knew it so deep down that it was true, and I still know...
Stars light up the sky, but the trees cast darkness down on two friends. Softly, flies and bugs can be heard buzzing about the air, though not loudly enough to overshadow the hum of the night. A quiet campfire discussion in the ominous forest is followed by panic. This is Through the Ashes.
On October 23, 2016, it was announced that Through the...
A nervous actor walks through the long, dark hallway up to the stage. The bright lights flash on. The actor stands, alone, in front of the directors, with a few precious minutes to prove himself worthy of a role. This was the experience of every aspiring Jesuit actor on August 23 when auditioning for the Jesuit theater’s fall drama. These...
Every new school year brings change: new students, new classes, and new teachers. This year is no different as theater students may note a particular change when they go to the theater commons and notice a new room and its bright green walls.
Recently, Jesuit’s theater department has gained a new green screen room as part of the school's ongoing...