Carrying some kind of mechanical device, he stealthily follows a Jesuit student who seems to be carrying a black padded briefcase. The student suddenly starts sprinting, but he matches his pace, following only a couple feet away at each moment. Gunshots ring out...
Senior Chase Kengott is, in fact, a filmmaker, just releasing his latest work: The Brief Job, an...
“We don’t take pictures with our cameras - we take pictures with our hearts and minds.” (Arnold Newman)
Over the summer, the Jesuit Dallas Museum of Art has received ten silver gelatin print photographs, signed in pencil by the renowned photographer, Arnold Newman (1918 – 2006). Donated by Wally Stone and recommended for the Jesuit Dallas Museum by Russell Tether...
While most students at Jesuit and Ursuline are enjoying their last days of summer at pool parties or at the beach, over eighty dedicated students from both schools started their school year on August 3rd for the first day of Band Camp for the Jesuit-Ursuline-Ranger-Band, or JURB.
“Band camp is definitely one of those big mysteries that a lot of...
What makes Jesuit's hallways different from most others? As they walk swiftly from class to class or rush to leave school, students rarely focus their energy on the various art-pieces that dot the walls. However, students, maybe even without noticing, will take a quick glance and, in times of apathy, will gaze at these paintings or sculptures, occasionally taking the...
Disney World: it's the magical place where dreams come true, relationships form and where amusement reaches its peak, but could it also be a place where musical education could thrive or where students can learn more about the production of fine art? As it turns out, it can be both.
Every four years, the Jesuit-Ursuline Ranger Band takes a trip...
On Thursday March 23, 2017, The Jesuit Dallas Museum hosted its very first Disney-themed art exhibition, located in the traditional library. The exhibition includes art from classic Disney films such as Pinocchio, Peter Pan, and Snow White, all loaned from collector Barbara Hartger. The exhibition's opening night was a major success, catering to both adults who grew up watching the films as...
On. Off. On. Off. The flickering lights of the theater rapidly switch on and off, repeatedly shedding light on the intricate American Flag-painted stage before replacing it with darkness. Familiar to many, the flashing lights alert the audience to silence their phones, to sit quietly, and enjoy the next hour and a half of the Jesuit Theater’s spring performance.
Link to video here.
“Surreal.” That’s the word both Mr. Crownover, director of the men’s chorus, and Sam Dayton ‘20, member of the men’s chorus, used to describe singing our national anthem to over 30,000 people on April 23 at the Ranger’s stadium.
Let’s start from the beginning. Two months ago, Jesuit’s athletic director asked the men’s chorus if they...