Monday, January 20, 2025

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About "We Don't Trust You," Future, and Metro Boomin If you asked me which album should be your introduction to late 2010s to current 2020s rap, I would recommend "We Don't Trust You." This is the latest cooperative from singer, rapper and culture influencer Future and producer extraordinaire Metro Boomin. It has the undeniable swagger of the modern hip-hop, trap...
From January 25-27, 2024, a few select students from our Jesuit/Ursuline Band traveled to Richardson in attendance of the Texas All State Band. But first, let's explore what does all state even mean.   What is All State? The Texas All State Band is a distinguished ensemble comprised of the most accomplished high school musicians from across the state. Selected through a...
About Quadeca and Scrapyard: Former youtube rapper, now alternative singer-songwriter and producer Quadeca recently released Scrapyard, his latest mixtape, on February 16th. Compiled from the Scrapyard 1-3 EP trilogy along with a mix of singles that come from as far back as early 2023, the larger, 15 track mixtape can only be described as a surprisingly beautiful project. Acting as a...
The first two weeks of December featured two concerts by the Jesuit Ursuline Ranger Band and Men's Chorus. Full of festive fun and holiday cheer, the concerts were fun nights for anyone. Shifting from Marching to Concert, the Band began full time Concert band rehearsal on November 13. The first concert was at Jesuit's Terry Center, and the second...
The Turnpike Troubadours recently came out with an album named "A Cat in the Rain." Now I'm sure you're thinking, isn't it completely normal for a band to release an album? Well not for this band. The Turnpike Troubadours released their first album in 6 years after some intense ups and downs so let's dive into the interesting story...
Introduction Sparking my interest for being ranked #6 on the top Shoegaze albums page on Rate Your Music, The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads is a concept album of post, indie, Christian, and rock-shoegaze, released on June 26, 2001. This is a full analysis and review of the music, concept, and history on one of the most unique pieces of music I've head. (Note:...
  Introduction I found out about The Strokes through their association with the Arctic Monkeys, with them being some of the most popular acts to come out of the garage/punk revival. So when I listened to their debut This is It ,I was left feeling underwhelmed. It didn't have the fast guitars, the charm, and quippy vocals that Whatever People Say...
The Jesuit Ursuline Ranger Band placed fourth in Class A at Mansfield High School's Preview of Champions contest on September 23, 2023. As the first competition of the year, Mr. Putnam gave an explanation as to why it is important: "Our goal in participating in the Preview of Champions contest is to provide an opportunity for members of the band...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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