Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Authors Articles by Eli Trauner '25

Eli Trauner '25

Eli Trauner '25
Every Wednesday morning, Jesuit holds prayer services in which students get to further their education, faith, and ability to understand the situations that surround them. This past week's prayer service was all about inter-religious prayer, and how to understand others who aren't Catholics, and their beliefs. I was honored to interview the seniors who spoke at it. An Interview With...
With the 1st semester coming to a close, I interviewed Dea Ochs with the Entrepreneurship Club to get an idea of what they have accomplished so far. Here is what she had to say.   What has the Jesuit Dallas Entrepreneurship Club accomplished so far this year? "Honestly, the Entrepreneurship Club lost most of its active members when the Class of 2020...
The Campus Ministry Staff has always worked tirelessly for Jesuit, planning masses, examens, prayers, and retreats. Recently, the team has received its newest member: Dorrie Andrews. This week, The Roundup interviewed Mrs. Andrews to gain insight into her role at Campus Ministry. Why did you pick being part of the Campus Ministry Staff, as opposed to another job? "When I learned...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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