Monday, January 20, 2025

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Authors Articles by Jason Davis '21, Managing Editor

Jason Davis '21, Managing Editor

Jason Davis '21, Managing Editor
Rags-to-riches story right here. Simple as that. Dartmouth College '25
My name is Jason Andrew Davis ‘21 and I just graduated from Jesuit last year. Currently, I am majoring in Cognitive Science (focus area in Consciousness) & Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience here at Dartmouth.   After college, I am looking to get my PhD in either Experimental Psychology or Cognitive Neuroscience and dedicate myself to scientific research...
Mr. Ian Berry '05, a current English teacher, has been a creative and dynamic presence throughout his time at Jesuit. Whether he's in the English commons talking to students or watching Arsenal lose, he lives his life with love, compassion, and kindness, seen subtly through his humor and wit. First, as a student at Jesuit, Mr. Berry found a love...
Jesuit had an incredible season for athletics this year, with athletes from the class of 2021 all serving as captains who lead their teams to victory. Rugby won state. Lacrosse won state. Basketball went to the regional final, making their best run in history. Hockey went to the national quarterfinals. Soccer went to the regional semifinals. Baseball went undefeated...
Mrs. Clark is an incredible biology teacher at Jesuit. She has pushed students both in and out of the classroom to do their very best. She is one of many teachers who truly model the tenets of Jesuit Dallas. Coming from Austin College, within her first years as a Jesuit teacher, she has taught kids science skills that can...
Mrs. Maggard is an incredible Spanish teacher at Jesuit, pushing students both in and out of the classroom to be their very best. She is one of many teachers who truly model the tenets of Jesuit Dallas. She is also a teacher who has guided me to my success here and in the future. To celebrate her remarkable impact, I...
Ah, Jesuit Dallas. What more can I say to bolster this school's elite status? It's got everything you need and everything you could ever want in a school. As I was looking for schools to move from my previous middle school, one of the main things that attracted me to the school was the ability to compete at a high...
As a kid who is hearing back from colleges all over America, it often crosses my mind how the counselors even handle such an intimidating process. It's very difficult to find the right place for students, especially if they have very specific requirements like location, weather, price, or even prestige. All of those factors play a role in the...
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” -Charlotte Brontë "Women are the real architects of society."  -Cher International Women's Day just passed us a couple of weeks on March 8, and oddly enough some companies and larger organizations sparked some controversy. On the day where we celebrate women's political,...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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