You Blew It!

Keep Doing What You’re Doing Album Review

Topshelf Records

Released January 14, 2014

Genre: Emo, Indie Rock

Modest Mouse once said, “And we’ll all float on okay.” You Blew it! attest to this maxim in their new album, Keep Doing What You’re Doing, A whimsical new emo record, that delves into relationships and questions existence. It’s an angst-y piece of music, much like nearly every emo-revivalist group nowadays, but the music is executed at a top notch level.

This is definitely an improvement over their last record, Grow Up, Dude. Vocalist Tanner Jones voice is stronger than ever, maintaining his raspy tone while hitting the notes even better than before. The first song, “Match and Tinder,” showcases how tight the band’s performance chops are. The course is catchy, and the guitar parts are well-written. The drumming is also solid and pumps out grooves that really propel the “feels” into the listeners’ ears. Also, Evan Weiss’s production on this record is incredible as he records the guitars with a very lush sound. Every instrument is well balanced in terms of volume. The first half of this record up until the  song “A different kind of Kindling” is great. It’s a collection of infectious choruses, happily hopeless harmonies, and interesting guitar leads. “Kindling”, sporting a sad cappella intro, is even more emotional than the other songs on this album as it transitions smoothly into a very beautiful and dreamy guitar harmony.

However, the second-half of the album, save the last track, is satisfactory but unadventurous. I enjoyed the tracks quite a bit, but I felt like more experimentation or innovation was necessary to make it more worthwhile. The last track, “Better to Best,” is anthemic, empowering, and beautiful. The song is written very well and throws many structural curveballs into the mix. The lyrics are also hopeful; Jones sings passionately and with gusto.

Melancholic and moody, You Blew It! have crafted another great record. Although the second half was somewhat lackluster, Keep Doing What You’re Doing is a fantastic experience. If any of these songs speak to you, which they will if  you’re human, this is the best Time you’ll have crying all year…and it’s only January.


Favorite Tracks: Match & Tinder, Award of the Year Award, A Different Kind of Kindling, Better to Best

Least Favorite: You & Me & Me, Gray Matter

Score: 8.6/10

Michael White '15
Michael left Parish Episcopal School after 8th grade to continue pursuing academic excellence at Jesuit. He loves to write; writing is his choice form of artistic expression, because there is nothing like reading meaningful words on paper. He also loves listening to all kinds of music (except country) and loves to share his passion with others, hence his participation in the Roundup. He likes lacrosse, reading, playing drums and serving the community. He also runs a music blog with fellow Juniors Jon Birondo, Drew Curran and Chris Ayres called Pretty Neat Grooves. You can find them at