The Jesuit FRC Robotics team is celebrating a remarkable achievement after securing an impressive 8th place finish in their division at the state-level FIRST Robotics Competition. With their exceptional talent, teamwork, and unwavering dedication, the team proved that they are a force to be reckoned with in the world of robotics in the years to come.

Under the guidance of their dedicated mentor and coach Mr. Couvillon, the team worked tirelessly for months, putting their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to the test. The team demonstrated remarkable creativity and problem-solving abilities as they tackled complex engineering challenges and honed their programming skills.

“I couldn’t be happier with the team’s performance,” said Mr. Couvillon. “We were true to our identity as a team, defining ourselves based on student performance and students doing all the work. From that point of view, we were 100% successful. We did great, being 7th seed alliance captain in the State level from Texas is not a small feat. We even defeated the second seed in our first eliminations match. We were within a few actions of making the world championship, but we got where we needed to be competitively. As far as our performance, it only came down to a match or two to decide whether we qualify for Worlds, and that’s all I can ask for because we exceeded every goal we had.”

Qualification Matches

Pit crew resets the robot’s code and battery (Mr. Vicens)

During the stressful qualification stage, the team encountered unforeseen challenges with the robot’s autonomous function. They were unfazed by setbacks and quickly came together, exhibiting amazing adaptability. The team members methodically dissected and adjusted the robot’s code over the course of many hours on the practice field. They successfully debugged the code and overcame the challenges thanks to their perseverance and teamwork.

Another important development involved improving the power distribution among the three neo-motors in the drive base of the robot to prevent the motors from overheating. This significant change improved the robots’ ability to navigate and maintain control, also while stressing the motors less, allowing the robot to be driven more smoothly. The team’s position at the top of the rankings was further cemented by the robot’s perfect performance, which enabled them to earn crucial points by driving over and parking on the docking station.

Elimination Stage

Ready for battle, the robot assembles on the field (Mr. Vicens)

With their success in the qualification matches, the team became a 7th seed Alliance Captain out of 87 other teams. On to the next challenge, the team ran through their first 3 matches in the elimination stage, winning by over 50 points each match.

Drive team setting up the robot on the field (Mr. Vicens)

However, as their journey unfolded, the team encountered their most formidable adversary yet—the formidable #4 Alliance in their district. This clash of titans marked a turning point in their path to glory. Despite their valiant efforts, the Jesuit FRC Robotics team faced an arduous defeat, bringing their magnificent winning streak to a close, finishing 8th place in their district State Championship.