When you think of a prayer service, what do you see? Perhaps a teacher praying with the assembly, or a coach sharing his life story, maybe even students speaking about their experiences with a service trip. What about a play?

That is exactly what the Spring 2018 Theater Arts class gave to Jesuit on March 23. During the prayer service, the class performed an original play by Jesuit’s own Andrew Brannon ’19.

The play revolved around the twelve apostles after Christ’s death and the plan of some to desert the faith since Jesus is no longer with them. This goes on until Peter enters and asks them “Who is leaving?” The play ends with the apostles cementing their faith and preparing to go into the world as Christians.

Mr. Acevedo shared why he chose his class to perform the prayer service. “The idea was brought to me by Mr. Yohannes. He asked if there was anything the drama department could do for a prayer service during Holy Week. I said yes, we could do a Passion play since I had my acting class who could do it.”

Joe Campagna ’19 spoke about his time during the play. “I was really happy to perform for Jesuit, but I was super nervous.”

Jacob Bartholomew ’20 had a similar experience. “I was happy with my performance and glad to be a part of Jesuit’s campus ministry in such a unique way.”

Sophomore Bryan Bowling talked about Acevedo’s expert direction of the play. “Acevedo was a great director. We were all being silly but we still pulled together a great performance thanks to his direction.”

Acevedo also shared his hopes to perform for the school going forward. “I think it was a great, great idea to do a prayer service with a play. It’s something we should do it every year. I think it was very effective and it’s a different way to tell about Jesus Christ and about everything that happened at that time.”