Avengers Endgame, Game of Thrones, and Ben Shapiro thug life compilations. None of these had more shocking, brutal, and entertaining twists than the Jesuit Chess Open last Friday.
Many new faces appeared at the tournament including chess expert James from Cistercian and the Roundup’s very own Emmet Halm. Veterans of past tournaments were also in attendance such as the right honorable President of the Chess Club, Reed Zimmerman. President Z-Man was unfortunately abandoned by his colleague Kota, who was indisposed and had to visit the doctor.
After brief introductions, the first of five rounds of 20-minute matches ensued. However, things got interesting in the second round when reigning chess champion, junior Sam Dayton, squared up against chess expert James.
Sweat, both clearly visible and pungent, dripped from Sam’s forehead. His time quickly disintegrated away, almost as if it had been snapped out of existence like Ned Stark at the end of Endgame. While Sam only had one minute of time remaining, chess expert James had seven. Refusing to surrender, Sam, in the style of old Roman Generals, took off his armor and marched into the oncoming enemy infantry to be slaughtered.
Competitors huddled around the table, watched with an odd mixture of dismay and delight to see Jesuit’s arrogant champion be defeated by an outsider.
Then, in the third round, chess newcomer senior Reagan Ernst faced the humiliated Sam Dayton. Reagan had only been playing chess for less than a year in the senior commons, and the winner of the match would go on to face chess expert James in a final match to determine the new champion.
If Sam won this match, he would have a second chance, a chance to redeem himself. However, in the biggest upset of the night, one that could make a top 10 anime upsets list, Reagan violently eviscerated Sam on the battlefield. While Sam took an early lead in infantry, capturing many of Reagan’s pawns, he neglected his cavalry by losing a rook in an unfavorable exchange.
From there on Sam played while on a very heavy tilt, again refusing to surrender. Down to a king and a pawn against Reagan’s newly promoted queen, rook, and king, Sam broke into a mad and ill-advised charge inspired by the battle of Winterfell. This left his king exposed to the attacks from Reagan’s troops, which eventually checkmated him.
After a brief break for pizza, filled with conversations that futilely tried to avoid Endgame and Game of Thrones spoilers, the final two rounds occurred. Though chess expert James did defeat Reagan, Mr. Ernst did take second place overall at the tournament. Even though he was second in the tournament, Reagan was the highest placing Jesuit player at the event. This achievement makes him the best chess player at Jesuit, a title formerly held by Sam and Kota. Congratulations Reagan; I always believed in you.

Stay tuned to The Roundup for more Jesuit Chess news!