Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing two of the 2024-2025 Jesuit ASC members: Mr. Nash Crawford and Mr. Ethan O’Neil. Both of these men are incredible representations of Jesuit Alum, and this interview will provide a glimpse into the incredible things that they are doing for Jesuit this year.
Both Mr. Crawford and Mr. O’Neil indicated that they had been inspired to join the ASC by the members that they got to interact with during their time at Jesuit. Both were taught crucial science concepts by ASC members. They mentioned that this experience fostered a respect for the Alumni Service Corp that they hadn’t had before.
Mr. Crawford felt that he had an obligation to come back and “finish… it off,” after having lost time to COVID.

Mr. O’Neil felt a need to help build up the “opportunities and offers…and support” that Jesuit had provided him during his time here.
Both want to be a positive influence for the students, and act as a “younger face” that students can talk and relate with.
Both Mr. Crawford and Mr. O’Neil are coaching this year, helping with Basketball and Cross Country, respectively.
Mr. O’Neil has an interest in helping with the Jesuit Hope Squad. Also, he has already received requests to spearhead new Jesuit clubs, and is excited about the variety of opportunities being offered.

Mr. Crawford is heading back to his roots, renewing his participation in the clubs he participated in as a student. He is currently jumping into Basketball, Broadcasting, and Campus Ministry.
Both Mr. Crawford and Mr. O’Neil agreed that faith was a major motivation in their return to Jesuit.
Mr. Crawford also spoke very highly of the new Jesuits that have been welcomed into our community, and he suggests that everyone “go meet the Jesuit[‘s that are] around.” He also mentioned that maintaining his faith was harder in college. He is glad to be back at Jesuit, where faith is incorporated into everyday life. Mr. Crawford is excited that there is no longer a “missing piece” in his faith life. He also mentioned his excitement for service opportunities.

Mr. O’Neil went to a Jesuit college, but mentioned similar issues. Keeping up with your faith is hard, even when it is encouraged. He is happy to be in an environment that pushes him towards faith.
When Mr. Crawford was here, he worked with an ISD school in a special needs classroom. This year he is excited to work with the Notre Dame Heroes initiative. He is striving to be a mentor and a “face in the community.” Mr. Crawford is thankful that Mr. Pinto has “thrown [him] in the fire with all of it,” and is excited by all of the great service opportunities.

Mr. O’Neil is grateful for Jesuit’s amazing service team. He is excited to use his psychology degree to give back to the community in any way that he can. Mr. O’Neil is working with VOA and Fighting Homelessness this year. He helped out with the Notre Dame School of Dallas as his senior service, and would love to participate in that again.
After ASC
Mr. O’Neil plans to apply to graduate school for psychology. He is grateful that he is getting to work with the Jesuit counselors and service team. He believes this experience will help him greatly on his journey.
Mr. Crawford wants to go to graduate school as well. He also plans on coaching basketball over the summer. He is grateful for the “tutelage of Coach Hill and Coach Al.”
The Jesuit Alumni Service Corps embodies the purpose of Jesuit: to form Men for Others. Mr. Crawford, Mr. O’Neil, and the other members of the ASC are incredible people who we are lucky to meet, interact, and grow with.
Tune into The Roundup for more faculty and staff interviews!