As of 2024, we recognize the initiatives of our new teachers into our Jesuit community. Representing a cornerstone in Jesuit education, I had the privilege to interview English teacher and proliferate writer Ms. Burleigh.

Personal Background

Ms. Burleigh used to live in Cincinnati with two older brothers and one twin brother where she went to an all-girls Ursuline high school. She loves to listen to 80s New Wave music, sewing, and cooking. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in English and French, and a Master’s Degree in English at the University of Dallas in Irving.


“I was always a bit of a nerd growing up.”

Ms. Burleigh was born an English fanatic. During her childhood, she was always fascinated by the vast world of English literature and writing. She always loved to write about animals and later murder mysteries in grade school. In high school, she tried a crack at novel writing. In fact, she cemented her passion for English here. Mr. King, her English teacher, always encouraged her to improve her writing skills and since then, she’s aspired to do the same, to open and renew the floodgates of creativity in English to young writers. While teaching, she always recalls the struggles of high school and the numerous opportunities to learn, and tries to build a foundational English passion for her students.

What is your Favorite Part of your Job as an English Teacher?

“My favorite part is when I can see my students processing and understanding in real time, when the mental lightbulb goes off and the information clicks.”

Why did you Choose to Teach at Jesuit?

“I felt from my first interview at Jesuit that God wanted me here. Jesuit is an environment where I feel welcomed, appreciated, and wanted.”

Rooted in Faith

Aspiring to the Ignatian Pedagogy, she expresses the Catholic belief “to see Christ in every soul [she] meets”. Having gone to a Catholic school, she finds the Catholic Church to be her home and guide as an educator for her students.


Ms. Burleigh is a passionate and hopeful teacher. Her desire to express the facets of English writing springs a great load of potential in her students. We can expect to see the continual growth and unbounded, critical Jesuit education founded in such a prestigious school under her teaching.

Stay tuned to The Roundup for more teacher/staff profiles and coverage!