Tags Jesuit College Night
Tag: Jesuit College Night
The entire Jesuit campus hosted the annual "College Night" for prospective juniors and senior students on the evening of Sept. 22. The event featured...
On Tuesday, September 9, Jesuit’s cafeteria, gym, Terry Center, and classrooms transformed. Tables filled with pamphlets and information about 249 colleges from around the...
For several years now, representatives from over 200 colleges nationwide have hurried to line the hallways of Jesuit, eagerly searching for potential students on...
On Tuesday, September 11, students rushed out of school for early dismissal at 12:25. As elated as they were about completing all their classes...
241 colleges from around the United States and other countries converged on the Jesuit campus on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, for the annual College...
In a calendar sent out to prospective students last spring, Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota proposed an idea they called “the College Fair Game”...