“Still” Album Review   Chicago, Illinois powerviolence act Weekend Nachos are just as angry as ever. Backed up by great production and awesome songwriting, “Still” is a must-buy album for anyone who wants some background music while they punch holes into walls.   Kicking off with the track, “Sickened No More,” Weekend Nachos demonstrate that they don’t intend to mess around. In less than a minute, this track pummels some unforgiving, blasting beats into the skull of the listener. Lyrics concerning mental confusion and uncertainty help the song feel very dark. In just forty-three seconds, this band incites more anger and aggression in one song than most bands do in an entire album.   The action doesn’t stop there, however. The torrential onslaught entitled “S.C.A.B.” sports frantic guitar work and complex drumming, paired with very insightful lyrics that call out punk-lovers, who often complain about the daily routine of oppression they claim to experience. Weekend Nachos backup vocalist and guitarist Dan Polak asks, “Did you ever experience real brutality, or did you read about it on a lyric sheet?” This shows how unapologetic these guys can get as they call out the “posers” in their music scene.   The rest of the album delivers a crushing whirlwind of beatdowns, harsh lyrics, and full-sounding production; every instrument has a buzzsaw-like metallic sound.  The brutality never stops; however, musical change-ups are sporadic. For example, the track “Wolves” is a great song that has a sound that seems to mimic a beast emerging from the abyss, determined to wreak havoc on the Earth; However, this monster only uses one of its four claws to tear open the ground. Weekend Nachos can write some very catchy passages, but they don’t perform to their full potential. They aren’t afraid to experiment with odd sounds, including feedback and a piano, but they  don’t effectively use these odd sounds at times, or they don’t use these sounds enough. When the guitarist shifts his hands to the higher part of the fretboard, the song becomes infinitely more interesting. No song on this album is bad, but only a few are great.   That being said, Weekend Nachos deliver November’s angriest LP, and anyone who just needs a little bit of unadulterated anger should check this one out.   FAV TRACKS: Sickened No More, S.C.A.B., Wolves, Still Least Fav: Late Night Walks   Score: 8.3/10

Michael White '15
Michael left Parish Episcopal School after 8th grade to continue pursuing academic excellence at Jesuit. He loves to write; writing is his choice form of artistic expression, because there is nothing like reading meaningful words on paper. He also loves listening to all kinds of music (except country) and loves to share his passion with others, hence his participation in the Roundup. He likes lacrosse, reading, playing drums and serving the community. He also runs a music blog with fellow Juniors Jon Birondo, Drew Curran and Chris Ayres called Pretty Neat Grooves. You can find them at www.prettyneatgrooves.weebly.com