Jesuit’s Class of 2020 has endured a wild ride over the past four years, and this year has offered no shortage of turbulence. From the October tornado to the Ranger Day cancellation, many seniors looked to second semester as an opportunity to enjoy the last few months of high school with the teachers, classmates, friends, and brothers they’ve grown to cherish over the past four years of high school.
Alas, it goes without saying that this expectation was never realized for the class of 2020. The Roundup interviewed a group of senior leaders to gauge their response to the virus and its implications for the rest of our semester.
Matthew Freeman ’20
“I was really looking forward to special games, finishing senior service, prom, and just hanging out in the courtyard with my classmates. As the year has progressed, I noticed a lesser emphasis on academics and typical “school activities” and have seen our class come together to spend time with one another as we all realize that our time together is coming to an end. I especially hold Jesuit’s special games to be an important tradition where the class comes together and facilitate a memorable day that most kids who attend look forward to all year.
My reaction to the virus outbreak before spring break was one not of concern; however, as it has progressively spread throughout the world and the US, I have come to realize that it is a much larger issue that what I first perceived. That being said, I am now more diligent about personal hygiene and taking other precautions, whereas before I disregarded those warnings as not relevant to my personal situation.
During the weeks before spring break I doubt anyone thought that this outbreak could have such a direct impact on our community; however, looking forward, I hope for a best-case scenario of the virus being mitigated, allowing us to come back on campus for at least a week or two to relish our last days and senior traditions at Jesuit.”
Tommy Hovivian ’20
100% of my plans for my final semester at Jesuit have been completely altered due to the coronavirus. For example, my senior season has been postponed (likely to be canceled), Senior prom put on hold with graduation, and not to mention the last few months of Wednesday service, completely canceled.
Personally, I was looking forward to finishing up my senior lax season. The team had been playing really well with each other and we were really starting to mesh together. Convocation was yet another thing I was looking forward to that doesn’t seem will be the same due to the numerous holds and cancellations. I also really looked forward to special games that don’t look to be the same as they were supposed to be due to the pandemic. These events are so important to me because I have waited more than 7 semesters that culminate and lead up to these things and they are all just put aside.
I would say personally the media seems to be making a bigger deal out of the virus as it seems to me but I also see it from the stewardship and man for others point of view that it will take everyone in the world to try and protect and slow down the spread until proper medical supplies and treatments are available. I also see this for the meantime to be the best course of action due to those who are at high risk for fatality from the disease.”
Will Florer ’20
“There is no way around stating the obvious here, that the unexpected situation involving COVID-19 and school closure is extremely disappointing for our student body and for school communities all across the world. I know it feels especially unfortunate for my peers in the Class of 2020 who may have to miss out on traditional end-of-school celebrations such as prom and graduation. But even in the midst of this unprecedented, frustrating struggle, we have to remember our higher calling as Jesuit students. We have to remember our mission to be men for and with others. Right now, I think that mainly looks like staying at home so that the disease spread is slower and medical professionals can focus on treating those who require urgent care. It’s upsetting, but the greatest service we can do for our local and global community is to sacrifice these events we’ve been looking forward to and isolate ourselves in the hopes of gradual disease eradication. Putting our interests aside and stepping up this challenge by staying home to support the larger goal of beating COVID-19, I wholeheartedly believe that is the essence of being a man for others. It is what Jesuit has prepared us to do.
I love and miss all of my Jesuit brothers greatly. I’m still holding out hope that we will come together again this semester. And if not, I hope the school can organize several class/school reunions this summer to help make up for the lost time. Stay safe Jesuit, and keep in mind our higher calling.”

Rawley Schott ’20
“I remember freshman year constantly thinking how much fun it would be to have one more week in school with all of my middle school friends. I know that in a few months I will have an amplified version of that sentiment, and will think back on these weeks that were stolen by a national crisis. I’m not so concerned with missing specific things like prom, I would just like to go back to school as soon as possible and spend time with friends and teachers.”
Will Nickols ’20Â
“I was looking forward to spending these last few months with Jesuit guys and maybe going to some admitted student days at colleges. Still, overall, there’s not any event that I’ll terribly miss or any lacking experience that will make my Jesuit time feel incomplete.
At first, I thought Coronavirus wasn’t an issue that warranted closing the school, but after seeing the numbers rise these last few weeks, I think Jesuit made the right choice. I was looking forward to seeing where everyone plans to attend next year on college T-shirt day, but I don’t terribly mind missing it. If we’re still shut down through May, I’d be fine with a refunded prom and a diploma in the mail.
I think this could go either of two ways: the country decides the economic hardship is too troublesome, so everything reopens by May and hundreds of thousands of people die; alternatively, the country stays shut down through August or September to keep the wave of COVID-19 hospitalizations within a manageable range.”
Stay tuned to The Roundup for more Coronavirus news!