Wow! If anyone has noticed, there have been BIG changes to the school over the summer. Whether it is the new addition of the Math Lab in the Info Commons or the addition of new parking slots, Jesuit Dallas has had some major physical changes this summer. In this regard, Jesuit has created a new educational setting in an intriguing location.
For those who are not familiar with the makeover, there is now a new mysterious corridor called the F [named after Fr. Fitzgerald] Hallway. This hallway used to be the old extension of the Jesuit residence in our school, with students rarely passing through. Now refurbished and modified, this hallway (close to the bathroom of the Testing Center) is free for any student to explore. The learning center is a big factor in the addition of the F Hallway.
So, what is the point of this Learning Center? Jesuit created a learning resource center as a way to provide work space for students to have extra resources at their disposal. Mr. Triplett, one of the main coordinators of the LRC stated that “it can be a place for teachers to work with students or discuss ideas about how to better support students.” As a Jesuit veteran, Mr. Triplet has been known for his positive sense of humor that makes him get along well with all his students. He wants to remind all Jesuit students that he opens the door of the LRC to ALL students willing to get help from him, Ms. Desormeaux, or any teacher working in the center.

According to Mr. Triplet, many Jesuit schools around the nation have been supporting learning centers with great success. He believes that the redesign of the Info Commons and the new space in the old residence provide a “good opportunity” to create an LRC. The founding of the Learning Resource Center was a team effort. “Dr. Kirby and Ms. Williams really were the catalysts in creating the space” and “Ms. Desormeaux and Mrs. Miramontes were the ones brainstorming ideas for the center,” noted Mr. Triplett.
Why this part of building? space and convenience. With this new area, teachers are now at the students’ disposal every period of every school day.
Mr. Garrison said that he has no doubt that “the LRC will be a success and that students should not hesitate to come in to see what it is.” Hementioned that “students should not be afraid to ask for any study skills they wish to learn.” Dr. Kirby, one of the key founders of the LRC, sat down with The Roundup and broke down his vision. He mentioned an important general misconception of the learning center: that it only accepts those students with learning differences. His vision was that it would “help all those in need regardless of the student learning capabilities.” Dr. Kirby also explained that another reason for the creation of the LRC is for students to interact and collaborate with academic assignments. Dr. Kirby stated that “Mr. Triplett and Ms. Desormeaux had a vision in complementing what the counselors already do in the ways of providing study skills and resources, working in parallel with what they do.”
Teachers and administrators alike will agree on the useful benefit of the Learning Resource Center.