Walking door to door, a smiling woman strides confidently around a Frisco neighborhood, greeting homeowners and introducing herself as a city council candidate. This woman, with a deep love for politics and the city of Frisco, is Mrs. Cindy Asche and she is running for Place 4 on the Frisco City Council.
This May 7th, the Frisco City council election will be held, and The Roundup got an exclusive interview from campaign aid, and loving husband of Cindy Asche in preparation for the upcoming election, Mr. Fritz Asche.
As a member of his wife Cindy’s campaign, Mr. Asche has been active on many different levels. The first was being the catalyst for her running, as Mr. Asche “did a lot of encouraging to get her to do it” but since she had always been invested in Republican party politics, “she eventually gave in.” Also, Mr. Asche left a tangible mark on her campaign, putting signs on “almost every street” and going door to door, just like his wife, handing information and talking to potential voters about her platform. Finally, Mr. Asche, like any supportive husband would, “holds down the house while she is campaigning,” by parenting and feeding their three boys.
Mr. Asche, commenting on Mrs. Asche’s most helpful trait for Frisco, highlighted her attention to detail when it comes to issues. He lauded her for her acute ability to “be presented with an issue and immediately zero in on potential obstacles and how to overcome those obstacles.” And, compared to other candidates, Mr. Asche argued that the mental acuity “to see through issues clearly, find results, and act on those results,” is a rare yet very valuable trait within government and is something that makes her stand out amongst her campaign foes.
Furthermore, Mr. Asche felt that the main reason that Cindy is running is for the families in Frisco to “maintain the high quality of life that we have.” This inspiration Mr. Asche felt ran parallel to Jesuit’s “Men For Others” motto, subconsciously influenced by Jesuit and Mr. Asche.
Facing the problems within Frisco, Mr. Asche says the largest issue that Cindy will address is growth. The biggest being the “5 billion dollar mile” along Dallas North Tollway and Warren Parkway, featuring complexes like the “Star in Frisco,” or the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters, a $2 billion Warren park, and Frisco Station. Also, another big issue is planning and zoning, allotting another “11,000 apartment units” with horrific traffic causing congested freeways and highways, instead of planning for “single family homes,” to promote fewer drivers on the road. Mrs. Asche promises to work with the people on these issues and will be a key proponent in solving them.
Interestingly enough, for those who live in Frisco, Mr. Asche noticed that for the most part “ideology doesn’t play as much a part in local government elections,” the importance of parties playing a smaller role than in state or national elections. Furthermore, Mr. Asche argues, candidates don’t run as a Republican or Democrat but instead based on the “stance of issues [the candidate] stands on.” Also, another interesting note is that even on local city council candidate’s signs, the vast majority of them do not withhold the political party or even distinguishing colors or symbols (for example Cindy Asche’s which is black, white and red). However, Cindy is running as a republican and is the President of the Frisco Area Republican Women.
Cindy Asche boasts an incredibly robust group of endorsers, including but not limited to Kelly Shackleford, the President and CEO of Liberty Institute, Bill Crocker, a Republican National Committeeman for Texas 2004-2012 and Former Republican National Convention General Councilman, and Jonathan Saenz, the President of Texas Value. Cindy is also endorsed by Empower Texans and Denton County Conservative Coalition, both Republican conservative organizations.
Most importantly, though, Mr. Asche firmly resonated that “Cindy will be a voice for Frisco.” Whenever faced with unpopular opinion, he commented on her resolve, saying “she’s not one to back down because she’s going against the crowd.” But, Mrs. Asche will be the best representation of the people because “if she hears the public pleading for something, and the city council doesn’t want that, she will have no problem standing up for the people of Frisco.”
The Frisco city council elections will be held on May 7th and photo identification will be required. If you seek to find out more information about Cindy Asche or, wish to donate, you can reach her website here.