On February 24, 2024, 40 Jesuit students competed in the JCL Area C competition at Richardson High School. JCL is a classical Latin and Greek competition where students are able to compete in academic competitions, but also participate in other activities where they can get awards. The students were joined by other students across the metroplex and were guided by the gracious Ms. Jones and Mrs. Hudec as sponsors and Mr. Erickson, Mr. Pointer, and Mr. Leonard as additional chaperones.
Insights from Ms. Jones and Mrs. Hudec
Both Latin teachers made terrific comments about the student’s performance and camaraderie during the competition.
Ms. Jones said, “I was really excited this year, especially because our group of juniors are such great leaders from experience of hosting the past two years. In particular, our juniors were able to instill some of that enthusiasm and desire for success to the younger guys. Also, the juniors showed a lot of leadership, and the freshmen are very fired up about going to state and being successful. I love to see how the older guys are guiding the younger ones and encouraging contests that are fun and inviting the freshmen to be part of the group. JCL is more than just an academic competition. Years ago the New York Times wrote an article called “Friends are made in Latin class,” and it’s because they’re with the same relatively small group of guys over the course of four years that they get to know them really well. When I went to my 10-year high school reunion I sat with people from my Latin class.”

Mrs. Hudec said, “Attending an academic competition is definitely an adventure. Students really have to step out of their normal day-to-day experience to engage with a lot of people they don’t know in ways that might be unpredictable. I do discover that Jesuit students grow in a new bond with each other when we go to these JCL events, but they also grow a bond with other Latin students from the area. For example, Greg Kimatian joined the Hockaday Certamen team. When students have the chance to see what another school looks like and also have the chance to meet a lot of people who are living a similar life as them just in another place is great. I think that teaches a lot of empathy, but it also creates a stronger bond within our own team. Also, after hosting the last two years for Jesuit students, it is a serious kind of a bonding experience for them. Even more than that, to go to somebody else’s school and see how this event is handled there, after knowing how we had to do it here, I think it gives a different appreciation for us.”
Student Success
26 of the 40 students placed between 1st-5th place in an academic or classical civilization competition. A classical civilization competition is either an art competition or an oral presentation. In addition to academic competitions, the Jesuit kickball team was awarded 2nd place.

1st Place, Greek History Level 3- Royce Szarzynski
1st Place, Computer Enhanced Photography- Lucian Matula
1st Place, Ancient Geography Level 1- Ethan Lensing
1st Place, Greek Life and Literature Level 1- Yifan Hou
1st Place, Latin Literature Level 1- JP McCosker
1st Place, Latin Oratory Level 1- Ethan Lensing
1st Place, Reading Comprehension Level 1- Yifan Hou
2nd Place, Computer Enhanced Photography- Ryan Zito
2nd Place, Greek Life and Literature Level 3- Royce Szarzynski
3rd Place, Mythology Level Veteran -Jackson Schutze
3rd Place, Greek Derivatives Level 3- Thomas Westerman
3rd Place, Greek Life and Literature Level 3- Benjamin Woodard
3rd Place, Roman Life Level 3- Marlowe Polma
3rd Place, Latin Literature Level 3- Charles Odegard
3rd Place, Latin Literature Level 2- Tyler Kriete
3rd Place, Latin Oratory Level 2- Nolan Nguyen
3rd Place, Latin Sight Reading Level 2- Teddy Matthews
3rd Place, Mottoes Level 1- Branch Dallman
3rd Place, Roman History: Empire Level 1- Jack Swindle
3rd Place, Greek History Level 1- Reid Macy
4th Place, Latin Derivatives Level Veteran- Jackson Schutze
4th Place, Traditional Photography- Ryan Zito
4th Place, Ancient Geography Level 3- Miguel Mancilla
4th Place, Greek Derivatives Level 3- Jake Chostner
4th Place, Latin Literature Level 3- Tobin Derryberry
4th Place, Mythology Level 3- Trey Graves
4th Place, Latin Literature Level 2- Eddie Weis
4th Place, Greek History Level 1- Jett Pruitt
4th Place, Mottoes Level 1- Ford Feller
4th Place, Roman History: Republic Level 1- Jack Swindle
5th Place, Traditional Photography- Lucian Matula
5th Place, Decathlon Level 3- Sam Carley
5th Place, Latin Sight Reading Level 3- Miguel Mancilla
5th Place, Latin Literature Level 2- Teddy Matthews
5th Place, Reading Comprehension Level 2- Luke Wolters
5th Place, Roman History: Republic Level 2- Teddy Matthews
Students Thoughts
Luke Nettune ’26 said, “It was a super fun experience to get to met with other high schoolers in the Dallas area interested in the classics.”

Thomas Westerman said, “JCL area was an opportunity to grow and meet my underclassmen brothers, we all had a great time.”
In the near future, a group of Latin students will head to JCL state at Austin on April 4-5 and compete against students across the state. Stay tuned for more news about JCL on the Jesuit Roundup!