“In wilderness is the preservation of the world.” -Henry David Thoreau

Earth Day, the day used to demonstrate support of environmentalism, this year Jesuit’s Engineering Society, Fair Trade Club, and AP Environmental Science class banded together to bring our school’s own exhibit at the 2019 Earth Day convention.

The convention was held at Fair Park from the 20th to the 22nd, and featured kids of all ages elementary through high school, interacting with, and learning about green initiatives and environmental sustainability.

A Green Day

Jesuit was fortunate enough to be able to host their own booth again this year and take along over 30 students. Ms. Carver, faculty sponsor of the Engineering Club, commented, “It was a wonderful experience for the students.”

Jesuit’s own booth let the students interact with younger kids in arts and crafts projects the first day, as well as talk to older participants the next two days about the schools mission, and environmental topics such as: sustainability, geopolitics, and green energy.

According to Ms.Carver,  “They really enjoyed interacting with elementary students, presenting them with design challenges and teaching them about biodiversity.”

Engaging Activities

After the students finished their shift at Jesuit’s booth they were allowed to walk around and experience the activities of the convention, which included: Rock climbing, hydroponics exhibit, scuba diving, and more. Providing the hardworking students with enough play to get through the day.

Ms. Carvers personal favorite part was “seeing the determined and common goals of our three clubs, and being able to see them have an impact on the world.”

This marks the third year Jesuit has participated in the Earth Day convention.  Each year more and more students have joined this excellent service opportunity, but according to Ms. Carver this year was especially impactful:

“Since they co-hosted the booth with the Fair Trade Club and the AP Environmental class, students learned about common club objectives and how each club worked towards sustainability and positive impacts toward global problems.”

Jesuit will no doubt continue to support Earth Day, and continue to be involved in the convention in the future, just as it will no doubt continue to gain support in the school.

Stay tuned to The Roundup for the latest club and activity news.