(Source: Chemistry God)


Step into the world of organic chemistry and unlock the secrets that underpin modern medicine – the Organic Chemistry course offered by Jesuit’s Medical Society. Aspiring healthcare professionals should take note, because this course provides the tools and knowledge to understand both the chemical foundations of the human body and how it relates to the field of medicine. From learning about the structure and function of organic molecules to exploring the intricacies of biochemical pathways, this course offers a comprehensive approach to the fascinating, ever-evolving field of organic chemistry. Whether you are an aspiring doctor, pharmacist, or researcher, the Organic Chemistry course provides the foundational knowledge that is necessary for success in the healthcare field. Join us – as we delve into the world of organic chemistry and uncover the endless possibilities it offers for those wanting to pursue a career in medicine.

Course Content

An experienced and knowledgable leader duo, Mrs. Sanchez and Ms. Matthews’ course provides an engaging introduction to the fundamental principles of organic chemistry. Through a series of interactive lectures and discussions, you will explore the building blocks of organic compounds along with their role in the operations within the human body. Moreover, the course also provides detailed and captivating information about the chemical structure of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids – along with the biochemical pathways that enable them to perform their essential functions.

(Source: Dalle-2)

Yet, that is not all. In addition to the intricacies of biochemical pathways, the course delves into the roots of a fascinating world, the periodic table. Nevertheless, Ms. Sanchez and Ms. Matthews use a variety of teaching methods to make sure the subject matter is engaging and easily digestible; as a result, the seminar grants a deeper understanding of the paramount periodic table, detailing both its organization and foundation in powering the human body through chemical reactions. 

Surprisingly, the course seemingly never fails to intrigue participants. For example, one of the course’s coolest parts describes the periodic trends that govern the behavior of elements within the table. Along with these fundamentals, the educational delight highlights various elemental properties, including not only atomic radius, electronegativity, and ionization energy, but also how they impact other element(s)’ reactivity and behavior.

Naturally enthralling, these properties shape the world around us and form the literal footprints of life. For example, the study scientifically defines the entirety of our life-filled world – from the elements that make up the air we breathe to the Earth’s minerals beneath our feet. 

Get Your Hands Dirty: What You’ll Actually Be Doing in Class

(Source: Dalle-2)

When it comes to chemical bonding, the Organic Chemistry course goes beyond the theoretical, providing a hands-on experience and exploring the different types of bonds among with their relationship with the formation and stability of organic compounds. Through these hands-on experiments and simulations, students explore the different types of chemical bonds, which include covalent, ionic, and metallic bonds. Furthermore, pupils learn how these bonds contribute to the formation of complex organic compounds that are essential to human life. 

Using a variety of teaching methods, both Ms. Sanchez and Ms. Matthews keep students engaged while also facilitating learning. They understand that everyone learns differently, which is why they use a variety of teaching methods. In addition to traditional lectures, the dynamic duo boast exciting hands-on experiments and group activities, actively training participants in applying classroom-learned concepts. Adding to the value, the two teachers even incorporate real-world examples and case studies, not only ensuring an understanding of the theoretical aspects of organic chemistry, but also how it is used in the healthcare field.


In conclusion, the Organic Chemistry course offered by Jesuit’s Medical Society provides a unique opportunity to explore the exciting world of organic chemistry. Whether you’re just starting out in the field or looking to expand your knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive approach to the subject matter: You will gain the foundational knowledge necessary for success in the healthcare field. So, get ready to unlock the secrets of organic chemistry, and unleash your inner mad scientist! Join us on a wild journey through the amazing world of organic compounds, and discover how they keep the human body ticking. Plus, we’ll reveal all the tricks of the trade for aspiring healthcare professionals.

Are you ready to get your chemistry on?