On May 10, 2024, the Jesuit Dallas community assembled for the first of this year’s convocations: the senior convocation. This special occasion not only recognizes the multitudinous academic and extracurricular accomplishments of the senior class, but also its dedicated leadership of the student body. Following a special prayer by Fr. Tan and the singing of the Alma Mater by Patrick Murphy ‘24, the ceremony was immediately underway.

Military Appointments
The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is a leadership training and development program that prepares full-time, college-enrolled students for military service. A four-year ROTC scholarship provides full tuition valued up to $200,000, including stipends, summer training cruises, and more. ROTC is a demanding and challenging complement to a traditional college curriculum, and graduates have the confidence, self-discipline, and leadership skills that come with earning a commission as an officer in either the Army, Air Force, Navy, or Marine Corps.
Liam Placke has earned a four-year Army ROTC scholarship to attend Notre Dame. Liam also received appointments to the Naval Academy and West Point. Liam plans to major in Computer Science with the desire to serve in Infantry or Field Artillery.
Peter Loh has earned a four-year Naval ROTC scholarship to attend The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Peter will major in International Relations with a desire to serve in Military Intelligence.
“I am honored to be awarded as a means to serve my country in America’s premier fighting force. The application process was difficult and challenging, but it was made worth it by the constant support and encouragement by friends, family, USMC personnel, and Jesuit faculty. All of these people helped me discerned the way in which I could pursue military service.” – Peter Loh
Also taking an oath to serve our country as a U.S. soldier, Michael Bracy and Entonyo Jones plan to enlist in the United States Army. After basic training, they will choose careers in either intelligence, combat support, law enforcement, healthcare, or aviation.

Hearts on Fire Award
The Office of Campus Ministry fosters religious growth in light of Catholic tradition and the vision of St. Ignatius of Loyola by supporting all members of the Jesuit Dallas community in their call to proclaim the faith, promote justice, and grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When St. Ignatius sent forth his men of the society to carry on the mission of Christ, he told them to “set the world on fire!” Campus Ministry would like to recognize the following senior for his dedication to ministry during his time at Jesuit, hoping he, too, will set the world on fire.
The Hearts on Fire award is presented to Joseph Gasper.

St. Peter Canisius Award
The St. Peter Canisius Award honors a graduating senior who, with two or more years of service, contributed to the student newspaper. A renowned Jesuit scholar and doctor of the church, St. Peter Canisius published detailed information on Catholic teaching in 1555. His writings enjoyed widespread use in his day and stood as the church’s standard catechism for centuries.
This year, for dedication to the student newspaper, The Roundup, the St. Peter Canisius Award is presented to Anthony Nguyen and Logan Thompson.

Student Council Award
For exceptional service to the school and a consistent display of leadership, the Student Council Award is presented to Jack Bradshaw.

E.L. Hohman Award
Named for Jesuit’s first band director, The E.L. Hohman Award is presented to a senior who has excelled in music and has used his gifts with Ignatian spirit.
This year, the E.L. Hohman award is presented to Anton Dimafelix.

Senior Magis Award
The Senior Magis awards are given to seniors who, in daily ways, give the magis, “the more,” to their community. These students, in studies, in relationships, and in support of Jesuit, have gone beyond the ordinary.
This year’s Senior Magis Awards are merited by Samuel An, Tristen Bird, Jack Bradshaw, Joseph Gasper, Ben Petroff, and Sean Watson.

Thomas Wunderlick Award
The Thomas Wunderlick Award is given in honor of Tom Wunderlick, a 1946 graduate of Jesuit Dallas. Mr. Wunderlick was the first president of the Jesuit Dallas Alumni Association. He had four sons graduate from Jesuit, as well as 10 grandsons who have attended our school. The Wunderlick award is presented each year to the graduate who has best combined athletic and academic achievement during his years at Jesuit.
The Wunderlick Award winner will receive a certificate today and a trophy at the graduation commencement. This year, The Thomas Wunderlick award is presented to Caden Cutchall.

Ad Astra Award
The Ad Astra Award recognizes leadership in creating new initiatives in community service and the development of new programs to serve the Greater Dallas community. Ad Astra is a Latin phrase meaning “to the stars.” The following students have gone above and beyond in their efforts to serve the Community Service and Social Justice program.
The recipients will wear their medals during the graduation ceremony. The Ad Astra Award is merited by Dylan Lerma and Luke Santoni.

Aloysius Gonzaga Award
The Aloysius Gonzaga Award for outstanding community service is presented to a student who gives unselfishly of himself to his community. While still a young Jesuit, St. Aloysius Gonzaga bravely gave his life ministering to the sick in Rome. As the patron saint of our school, we look to Aloysius as a model of generous service to others.
The Aloysius Gonzaga award winner will receive a certificate today and a plaque at the graduation commencement. The Aloysius Gonzaga Award for outstanding community service is merited by Ethan Talatala.

Man for Others Award
The Profile of the Jesuit Graduate states, “at graduation, the Jesuit student, well on the way to establishing his own identity, has also begun to move beyond self-interest and self-centeredness in human relationships.” The Jesuit Man for Others Award, voted upon by the faculty, is given each year to students who exemplify, in their words and actions, what it means to be a Jesuit student who has moved beyond himself. This year we honor three seniors who have demonstrated in their dealings with others, the ability to give of themselves selflessly.
The Man for Others Award winners will receive a certificate today and a plaque at the graduation commencement. The seniors meriting recognition as recipients of the Man for Others Awards are Peter Loh, William Spicer, and Logan Thompson.
“I am honored that the school deemed me worthy of the award. Because Jesuit has given me so many opportunities these four years, I hope I can give back some of the effort and commitment placed in me and all my other Jesuit brothers.” – Peter Loh

JSN Award
Each year, the Jesuit Schools Network announces the recipient of an award to be presented in each of the 52 Jesuit high schools throughout the United States. In the words of the JSN, “This award is to be presented to the member of the graduating class who, as a man for others, models the ideal profile of a graduate of Jesuit education: a well-rounded person who is intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving and committed to doing justice in generous service to the people of God.”
The JSN Award winner will receive a certificate today and a plaque at the graduation commencement. He will also be the senior student speaker at this year’s graduation breakfast on May 19. The 2024 Jesuit Schools’ Network Award is bestowed upon Drew Noonan.
“Senior convocation truly displayed the class of 2024’s commitment to embodying the values of the graduate at graduation. As we gathered together, each and every student applauded as their classmates were granted awards. Convocation didn’t just shine a light on a few individuals; rather, it acted as a special opportunity to honor the hard work and dedication of the Class of 2024 over the past 4 years.” – Drew Noonan

Bishop Lynch Award
Jesuit’s highest award for outstanding achievement is named after His Excellency, the late Joseph Patrick Lynch, Bishop of Dallas, who invited the Jesuits to open a high school in Dallas in 1942. It is awarded to the graduating senior, judged by the faculty to be most representative of Jesuit College Preparatory School and most responsive to the influence of the school.
This award is in recognition of scholastic achievement, combined with character, leadership, participation in extracurricular activities, and service on behalf of the school and the wider community.
The Bishop Lynch Award winner will receive a certificate today and a trophy at the graduation commencement where he will give the keynote address. This year, Jesuit’s Bishop Lynch Award for outstanding achievement is awarded to Ashton Krug.

Academic/Extracurricular Awards
Gustavo Aldrey
AP Biology
Honors Java
Francisco Almaguer
AP Human Geography
AP Psychology
Christian Relationships
Excellence in Service Leadership
Justice: Peace and Conflict
“I was glad that so many of my brothers’ works and achievements both in and out of the classroom were recognized and applauded.” – Francisco Almaguer ‘24
Dominic Arra
AP Precalculus
English 4: Modern American Literature
Forensic Science
Giovanni Bennett
Braden Benson
Introduction to Architecture
Jack Bowdich
English 4: Non-Fiction
Michael Bracy
Excellence in Service Leadership
Benjamin Brainard
AP Calculus AB
AP Computer Science A
Excellence in Service Leadership
Aiden Brodsky
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics C Mechanics
AP Language & Composition
AP United States Government & Politics
Justice: Environmental
Social Justice & Public Policy
Spencer Broussard
Honors English Seminar
Henry Bryarly
Cubing Club
Oliver Camu
History of Hip-Hop
Theater Directing
Wil Carroll
AP Studio Art: Drawing
Braeden Casey
Henry Casey
Medical Society
Carlos Cigarroa
Excellence in Service Leadership
Grant Cooper
Social Justice & Public Policy
UIL District Academics Current Issues and Events: 1st Place Individual and 1st Place Team
Seth Corcoran
AP Physics 2: Algebra Based
Music Theory
James Corrigan
Introduction to Jazz History & Improvisation
Social Justice & Public Policy
Caden Cutchall
AP Psychology
Social Justice & Public Policy
Santiago Davalos
Latin 3
Jackson Deininger
History of the Catholic Church
Antonio Dimafelix
Chamber Orchestra
Aiden Emmerton
Advanced Ceramics
Ben Eppich
AP Environmental Science
Sullivan Ernst
Excellence in Service Leadership
Charlie Fent
AP Macroeconomics
AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
Stage & Film
Giovanny Flores
Excellence in Service Leadership
Jake Follett
Music Appreciation
Daniel Garcia
Chess Club
Excellence in Service Leadership
TXML: Top Scoring Senior
Joseph Gasper
Excellence in Service Leadership
Andrew Gerst
Justice: Peace & Conflict
Brandon Gibson
AMC 12: Top Scoring Senior
Engineering Design Process
Jaden A. Giunta
Daniel Gomez
English 4: World Literature
Hank Gramlich
Big Brothers
Henry Hambleton
Big Brothers
Robert Hernandez-Hoffman
Excellence in Service Leadership
Honors French 4
George Horvat
Anatomy & Physiology
Blake Howells
Anime Club
Entonyo Jones
History of Hip-Hop
Noah Koeijmans
Ceramics 1
Ashton Krug
Admissions Ambassadors
Open Microphone
Dylan Lerma
Excellence in Service Leadership
Peter Loh
History of the Catholic Church
Honors Mandarin 4
Justice: Peace & Conflict
The Roundup
Kyle Ma
AP Statistics
Daniel Mansur
UIL District Academics Current Issues and Events: 1st Place Team
Burke Martin
William Martin
Ceramics 2
Reece Mattorano
AP Spanish Language & Culture
Alexander McSorley
Rangers for Life
Troy Menard
Excellence in Service Leadership
Quinton Moats
Excellence in Service Leadership
Jack Moran
Big Brothers
Beckett Mundorff
Patrick Murphy
Men’s Chorus
John Parker Nelson
Honors Java
Anthony Nguyen
Interreligious Dialogue
UIL District Academics Current Issues and Events: 4th Place Individual and 1st Place Team
Drew Noonan
Big Brothers
Moses Ntende
Social Justice & Public Policy
Diego Ortiz-Segura
Interreligious Dialogue
Benjamin Petroff
Zach Pollard
Web Development
Jaxx Rigelsky
Christian Relationships
Nathan Rodriguez
Car Club
Game Development
Social Justice & Public Policy
Henry Rutnam
AP Chemistry
Luke Santoni
Excellence in Service Leadership
Justice: Peace & Conflict
Social Justice & Public Policy
William Savarese
David Schroeder
Entrepreneurship Club
Jackson Schutze
Junior Classical League
Charlie Schwartz
Advanced Ceramics
Christopher Simington
Excellence in Service Leadership
William Spicer
AP Comparative Government & Politics
Jesuit Model UN: Delegate of the Year
UIL District Academics Current Issues and Events: 5th Place Individual and 1st Place Team
UIL District Academics Spelling and Vocabulary: 5th Place Individual
“Senior convocation was an amazing ceremony for the senior class. We were able to join each other for one of the last times to celebrate each other’s accomplishments with each other. With that, I would like to congratulate all of my fellow seniors and thank all of those that have helped us along the way.” – William Spicer
Jake Sullivan
Music Appreciation
Ethan Talatala
Excellence in Service Leadership
Logan Thompson
Journalism: Broadcasting
Alec Tison
Justice : Economics
Mark Trottier
Freshman Retreat Leader
Justice: Economics
Social Justice & Public Policy
Nicolai Valenta
Honors Spanish 4
Dylan Wachsman
Lucas Wendorf
Christian Relationships
Will Whitehead
Big Brothers
English 4, Non-Fiction
Matthew Wilson
Historical Concept of War
David Wyant
Michael Yerrington
English 4, Modern American Literature
Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on their excellent academic year! Stay tuned to The Roundup for more convocation and school related news.