On April 5-6, 2024, 30 Jesuit students and 4 faculty members traveled to Anderson High School in Austin, Texas to compete at the JCL state competition. The State competition consisted of academic testing, scholarly colloquiums, active sporting events, and friendship bonding. The students found success in all categories of the event and were guided by the gracious Latin teachers Ms. Jones and Mrs. Hudec.
Ms. Jones said, I felt that we had such a solid group of juniors this year, Latin 3 guys, who showed a lot of leadership and care for the younger guys. They were leading by example and showing the younger students what was fun to do, the contests they have been successful in, and encouraging the younger guys to do new things. The freshmen showed up and the freshmen won the majority of the academic ribbons, and I know it is because the older guys were leading them since the regional competition the month prior. We are so proud of the entire team because everyone played a valuable role, and everyone had a good time and made friends.”
Highlights of the Competition
During the competition the students not only took written tests, but also performed oral competitions, and submitted art. While not competing Jesuit students were able to participate in a variety of activities: a volleyball competition, basketball competition, track racing, participate in a service project, listen to an academic colloquium speaker, play board games, or meet new friends.
Luke Nettune- State Officer
This year, sophomore Luke Nettune culminated his year as TSJCL state treasurer where he helped manage the organization’s financial situation and helped lead the student executive board meetings. During the state competition, Luke helped lead the talent show and ran for TSJCL state president. At the end of his campaign, unfortunately he lost but is excited to hopefully be the TSJCL state treasurer again next year.

Luke Nettune said, “JCL state was such a fun experience to meet so many high schoolers throughout Texas who love the Classics as much as I do. This past year it’s been such an amazing experience to be a state officer and help run JCL through doing everything from writing budget proposals to being the host for the state talent show.”
With over twenty academic competitions and even more art contests, Jesuit students found immense success in all categories. Congratulations to the Latin 1 students who brought home the most ribbons!

Place, First Name, Last Name, Test, Latin Level
1st Jackson Schutze, Academic – Mythology Veteran
1st Lucian Matula, Quiz Bowl – Open Certamen Latin 3
2nd Jackson Schutze, Academic – Greek Derivatives Veteran
2nd Luke Nettune, Academic Pentathlon Latin 3
2nd Ford Feller, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
2nd Yifan Hou, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
2nd Yifan Hou, Academic – Greek Life & Literature Latin 1
2nd Jesuit Jesuit Olympika & Ludi – Volleyball
3rd Jackson Schutze, Olympika & Ludi – 200 Meter Dash Veteran
3rd Carter Weiss, Academic Pentathlon Latin 4
3rd Carter Weiss, Academic – Latin Sight Reading Latin 4
3rd Lucian Matula, Graphic Arts – Computer Enhanced Photography Latin 3
3rd Charles Odegard, Ludi & Olympika – 40 Meter Dash Latin 3
3rd Nolan Nguyen, Academic Pentathlon Latin 2
3rd Britt Rumpler, Academic Pentathlon Latin 2
3rd Eddie Weis, Academic Pentathlon Latin 2
3rd Ethan Lensing, Academic – Ancient Geography & Monuments Latin 1
3rd JP McCosker, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
3rd Jett Pruitt, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
3rd Jack Swindle, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
3rd Ryan Tian, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
3rd Wilson Watkins, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
4th Jackson Schutze, Academic Pentathlon Veteran
4th Carter Weiss, Academic – Greek Derivatives Latin 4
4th Lucian Matula, Academic Pentathlon Latin 3
4th Charles Odegard, Academic Pentathlon Latin 3
4th Julian Polma, Academic Pentathlon Latin 3
4th Marlowe Polma, Academic Pentathlon Latin 3
4th Trey Graves, Academic Pentathlon Latin 3
4th Benjamin Woodard, Academic Pentathlon Latin 3
4th Billy Fowler, Academic Pentathlon Latin 2

4th Nicholas Hajovsky, Academic Pentathlon Latin 2
4th Tyler Kriete, Academic Pentathlon Latin 2
4th Nolan Nguyen, Creative Arts – Latin Oratory Latin 2
4th Branch Dallman, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
4th Lukas Farley, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
4th Ethan Lensing, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
4th Winston Quinn, Academic Pentathlon Latin 1
4th Winston Quinn, Creative Arts – Dramatic Interpretation Latin 1
5th Yifan Hou, Academic – Latin Reading Comprehension Latin 1
5th Branch Dallman, Academic – Classical Art Latin 1
5th Ford Feller, Creative Arts – Dramatic Interpretation Latin 1
5th Ethan Lensing, Creative Arts – Latin Oratory Latin 1
5th Ryan Tian, Creative Arts – Latin Sight Reading Latin 1
7th Tobin Derryberry, Graphic Arts – Illustrated Quotes Latin 3
7th Benjamin Woodard, Academic – Greek Life & Literature Latin 3
7th Ryan Tian, Academic – Greek History Latin 1

8th Charles Odegard, Academic – Latin Literature Latin 3
8th Britt Rumpler, Academic – Latin Reading Comprehension Latin 2
8th Branch Dallman, Academic -Mottoes Latin 1
8th Jack Swindle, Academic – Roman History Monarchy & Republic Latin 1
9th Tyler Kriete, Academic – Greek Life & Literature Latin 2
9th Winston Quinn, Academic – Latin Grammar Latin 1
9th Jack Swindle Academic – Roman History Empire Latin 1
10th Michael Hasenfratz, Creative Arts – Research Paper Latin 3
10th Lucian Matula, Academic – Latin Vocabulary Latin 3
10th Marlowe Polma, Academic – Roman Life Latin 3
10th Lukas Farley, Academic – Mythology Latin 1
10th Ford Feller, Academic – Greek Derivatives Latin 1
10th JP McCosker, Academic – Decathlon Latin 1
10th JP McCosker, Academic – Latin Literature Latin 1
10th Jett Pruitt Academic – Roman Life Latin 1
Wes Rodgers said, “It was an incredible experience of meeting new people, playing different events against other schools, seeing the many schools across Texas, and competing in many tests to test our knowledge.”
Overall, the Jesuit JCL team performed great and were able to gain valuable experience from traveling to Austin for the state competition. Congratulations to all who competed! Now, a group of students will be traveling to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville for the National JCL competition in July. Good luck to all who will be competing!
For more information about Jesuit’s JCL club, stay tuned to The Roundup!