This past Thursday, September 24th, the Jesuit Rangers kicked off district play versus the Sunset Bisons. In the Rangers only weekday game of the year, they did not disappoint.

28300A0006Headed into the game Head Coach Brandon Hickman said the game plan was “to execute offensively in taking care of the football and defensively in creating turnovers.  We did both of these things Thursday night which our staff was pleased with.” The Rangers were able to successfully take care of the football on both sides of the ball which aided to their success in the game.

On the first snap of the game the Rangers defense was able to force a turnover. Junior Defensive Tackle Jack Metz said, “We wanted to start the game off on the right track so it was a nice feeling to force a fumble on the very first play of the game. I think it sent a message that we meant business, and we came to secure the victory.” The Rangers were then able to capitalize on the very next play as senior wide receiver Max Loughborough was able to run it in for the score.

28300A0057After another quick Ranger touchdown, the Rangers defense again forced a turnover as senior defensive back Estaban Garcia intercepted a pass and returned it for a touchdown. Garcia said, “It felt nice to be able to score a touchdown for once. I channeled some of my inner athlete on the return and hopefully it will be the first of many big plays this year.”

After senior quarterback Matt Smith led the Rangers on four scoring drives in which he either ran or threw for a touchdown the Rangers headed into the half with a commanding 45-0 lead.

The Rangers started off the third quarter with a Matt Smith rushing touchdown to expand the lead to 52-0 which was enough to secure the victory. The Rangers cruised the rest of the game to finish with a 52-0 victory over the Bisons.

28300A0359Coach Hickman had this to say on his team’s performance, “I thought our team prepared well during a short week and everyone contributed.  Most of our backup players played well and it’s nice to see them get the opportunity to compete.”

The Rangers look to take this momentum and carry it into the more difficult district opponents. The Rangers have a big task on their plate this week as they face off against rival Dallas Skyline. Coach Hickman said, “We are excited about the opportunity to play Skyline Friday night.  These are the games you work extra hard for during the off season and summer months.  Our players have worked extremely hard for this moment now it’s time to go have fun and play.  Our kids’ and coaches’ focus is laser sharp this week and we will be prepared and rise to the occasion.”

28300A0038Make sure to come out this Friday, October 2nd, as the Rangers face off against district rival Dallas Skyline. The Rangers look to take down the Raiders for the first time in the last ten years. The Rangers need a big crowd so come out to Postell Stadium.