Pictures hang throughout the library, each portraying a splash of color that combines to paint an image. Silence fills the gap between the music the echo of footsteps as people observe and read the descriptive articles, each describing and celebrating a detail of one person, Gail Nogle.

On September 21, 2018, the Jesuit Dallas Museum hosted an event to celebrate Gail Nogle, an award-winning photographer, through an exhibition titled Gail Nogle – Painting with a Camera. The exhibition presented many impressive and beautiful pieces of photography each showing a piece of the culture of the place.

Who is Gail Nogle?

Many must be wondering, who is Gail Nogle? She was born in Troy, New York, and as a young child, she had a passion for photography. Ms. Nogle graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology and spent more than 14 years with Gittings Portrait Studio in Dallas, Texas, learning and cultivating her skills of capturing the extraordinary in the ordinary. She earned the degrees of Master of Photography in 1981 and Photographic Craftsman in 1996 from Professional Photographers of America (PPA). She is also the mother of Jesuit graduate Harold B. Nogle III ’00.

What was in the Exhibit?

Her exhibit from September 21, 2018, contained many beautiful photos, each from a different place. When asked where she has traveled, she listed Tibet, Inner
Mongolia, China, Canada, India, Morocco, Turkey, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Australia,
Africa, and Ireland as just a few of her favorite locations. This is especially present in the wide variety of photos that were shown at the exhibit.

Ms. Nogle’s form of photography is unique in the sense that she is motivated to communicate visually and show people in their own environment, capturing their attitudes and expressions. She commented that “inspiration, for me, is being in the moment. As one of the few female photographers of my era, I have worked professionally for 45 years and have learned that experience is the best teacher, and attention to detail sets me apart.”

This is truly shown in the time and effort that she has put into developing her talent, her art style, and her passion. She has developed and evolved her style by studying with fellow photographer Jay Stock for 25 years, 3 and 4 times a year. She has worked for more than 14 years with Gittings Portrait Studio where she has met a variety of people, from nervous brides to stiff executives.

How did Students like the Exhibit?

Her passion for photography and painting an image for us is very evident to those who have met her. Marco Marrero ’19 said, “She gave a really interesting talk. It was really interesting how she took her passion for photography and took it to a profession. It wasn’t just about her photography, and it was more about teaching us life lessons and how to approach our dreams. She took a passion she had and developed it until she became a world-renowned photographer.”

She stated that her goal is “to show the world what I see through the lens of a camera! [Edgar] Degas said it best – ‘It’s not what you see, it’s what you make others see.'”

When asked for advice for anyone interested in photography, Ms. Nogle commented to “find someone whose work you admire and go study with them. And never give up!”

Ms. Nogle’s art exhibit can be found in the Historical Library until December 15th.

For more news on Jesuit’s Art Exhibits, stay tuned to The Roundup!