On Wednesday the 6th of March, student council elections will be held yet again. These elections will determine the class officers for the class of 2025 and 2026. They hold importance in choosing who will represent your class going into the 2024-2025 school year. To help you discern on which candidate to choose, their reflections are listed below.
For the Class of 2025
Ticket 1: Max Sabogal 
I have dreamt of being on the Jesuit Student Counci, since I lost my 8th grade presidential election in middle school. My leadership and perseverance in the Jesuit Student Council have shown my growth as a leader and as a person. My classmates have trusted me to represent them, and I know I can do it again this next election term. I should be elected to Student Council this year because I have been through various cycles of it and have seen and lived through the best and worst of it. I have learned from the highs and lows and will use these lessons to continue to improve Student Council. I am a relatable person who genuinely listens and cares about the people I encounter. I am organized, responsible, and compassionate. I will utilize these skills to make The Student Council the best it can be.
I currently hold various leadership positions at Jesuit such as Admissions Ambassadors and Spanish Honors Society. I help admit students into the school and give tours to new potential teachers and families. I am honored and humbled that the Jesuit faculty trusts and depends on me with these important tasks. As secretary of Spanish Honor Society, I help prepare and run the meetings with the presidents. I also participate in Faithful Fellas, Entrepreneurship Club, Investment Club, and the Multicultural Society. This showcases my organizational skills because multiple things are happening at once and I successfully participate and keep track of them all.
I have many plans for the future of Jesuit. One that resonates with me the most is the improvement of teacher and student feedback. This topic has been explored in student council before, but has not materialized. Many students, and some teachers have approached me to inquire if Student Council is able to fix certain issues. I have taken issues to the council to express the concern of people around me. Sometimes a resolution is possible, and sometimes it is not. We would try to improve this by establishing clear communication channels, possibly through a digital platform. Many teachers and students are unaware of Student Council’s impact on the school. We would communicate more effectively with students and teachers.
I have passion, confidence, and resilience. I have shown that I am a capable and effective leader who can represent and serve the student body, inspire positivity, and foster an inclusive community. I would be honored to continue to be the best I can next year on Student Council
Ticket 2: Cole Hatzmann
I believe that I should be elected to next year’s Student Council because, through my previous three years of being on the student council, I have learned how to properly lead through example and how our school can continue to improve. I believe that Jesuit is an amazing place and through the recent years, has undergone many positive changes for the benefit of all its members.
I also believe that I can bring even more improvements to the school as a whole. Currently, I am involved largely with the Jesuit Hope Squad, Ignatian Service Corps, the Admissions Ambassadors, and the Student Council. Through each of these groups, I have learned the importance of leadership through example, and how to bring the entire group together while simultaneously raising everyone to a new level. These aspects of leadership are what separates me from the rest, as I will always focus on the priorities of the group or school rather than individuals.
If elected, I would work to establish a closer bond throughout the student body regardless of background or age. I believe that we are all one brotherhood united through our common faith and morals and we should treat each other as such. I also aim to create new traditions within our school that help further develop our brotherhood as well.
Ticket 3: Rishi Danda
Being part of the student council for my freshman and sophomore years was a blessing and an honor that I hope to reprise as I run for a position for the 2024-2025 school year. Being part of a group that has such a big impact on the school community is something that I cherished as a previous member, and is something that I do not take lightly or for granted. The chance to not only lead my classmates but to also be able to lead the rest of the school is an opportunity that excites me and that I look forward to possibly being able to do.
I believe that I should be elected to represent the class of 2025 because of my willingness to get involved with all different aspects of the school and students and my willingness to do whatever it takes to get things done. Also, my ability to hold myself accountable and do my job when I need to makes me a great leader. Being able to communicate with people is another trait that I exhibit that I believe makes me a good leader. To lead is defined as taking the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow, and I believe that I exemplify this trait and I hope to continue to use that trait to have a positive effect on my school through the council.
Making a change that positively impacts the most people is my main goal, and having the platform of Student Council will give me the best opportunity to do that. Currently, in the school, I am a part of admissions ambassadors, PALS, and I will be a junior retreat leader. I am also the former class president for the class of 2025, and as the class president I helped plan and organize the homecoming dance, freshman mixer, and adopt-a-family during Christmas. Being a part of the student council to me means that I am the bridge between the students and the administration, and I plan to utilize that connection for the greater good of my classmates. I hope to be voted into the student council for the 2024-2025 school year and represent my class well
Ticket 4: Andrew McMahon
As a Junior who continues to participate in the abundant opportunities offered to me, I am confident in my ability to lead the Jesuit community. My involvement in groups such as Rangers for Life reveals my commitment to issues surrounding the culture today, and my hope for a future filled with a vibrant appreciation for every person’s human dignity. This optimism I hold, one that explains my appointment by both peers and counselors as a Hope Squad member, illuminates my outlook on prominent issues and concerns that I may face as a member of the Student Council. It would be, with great gratitude and listening ears, a great honor to not merely lead, but serve my brothers at Jesuit.
Because of these gifts, I firmly believe that my capabilities and heavy involvement, combined with my diligence and persistence when completing tasks, will enable me to be a dutiful Student Council member. When made a member, my plans to improve Jesuit would include more direct, and student-led, communication with administration, leading to greater understanding in important policies that affect student life, such as the grading system and student schedules. I would also advocate for greater communication between elected members and students, creating ways for students to have their concerns, frustrations, and questions heard by the Student Council. I believe that communication is an essential factor for a functioning community, especially in a community where both students and teachers have admirable opinions which deserve to be heard.
My passion and unrelenting desire for an open-minded culture, not being afraid of the past’s wisdom, and appreciative of today’s voices, will provide me the opportunity to be an excellent Student Council member.
Ticket 5: Brannon Suchala 
“Sometimes to be a leader, you need to recognize responsibilities without reward.”
I wrote these words as a 14 year old freshman who was scared and excited to put himself out there and apply for Student Council. I wanted to find myself in the Jesuit community and be a part of major events such as homecoming and ranger day. I am a different person than I was three years ago, but still continue to have the same ideals. I have always wanted and continue to want to represent Jesuit and be a leader for the school.
I often think about ways to improve the school; What immediately comes to mind was companionship between classes. My freshman year I did not have friends in grades above me,and was scared of friendships with people older than me. Now as a person who is in interconnected classes with students older and younger than me, I see that there are meaningful connections away from my own class.
Throughout my years at Jesuit I have attempted to step up and be a leader whenever I can. The first time I was able to step up and be a leader was at the Chinese club; I’ve always been interested in Chinese culture, so when Ms. Lu gave me the opportunity to have a leadership role in the club, I was very excited and awaited the responsibility. Being able to help plan and schedule events for the Chinese club has been a highlight of my years at Jesuit, especially this year.
Everyone that runs for Student Council is going to be a hard working leader that is qualified to represent Jesuit. What sets me apart from others in Student Council is my empathy. I have struggled through many challenges at Jesuit and I am always willing and hoping that underclassmen come to me with their struggles. My goal as a member of the Student Council is to not only be a leader and representative of the school, but to also be a role model for the community.
Ticket 6: Aidan Raymond
As a candidate for Senior Class Officer, I believe I am the right choice to lead the student council because of my commitment to enhancing the student experience at Jesuit. Currently being a part of the Ignatian Service Corps in our school, I actively represent our student body through service. I am dedicated to a positive and inclusive school environment, which is evident in my efforts through service, lacrosse leadership, and being involved in the Investment Club.
Additionally, I aim to establish a page on RangerNET that serves as an interactive suggestion box for students to voice their ideas and desires for enhancing our school community. My leadership qualities, such as effective communication, diligence, and integrity make me well-qualified for a position on Student Council. I believe in the power of collaboration and will work hard to ensure that the student council becomes a true representative of the student body’s voice. I am confident that my passion for positive change as well as my leadership skills, will contribute significantly to the council’s success.
In conclusion, I am seeking your support to vote for me to serve on the 2024-25 Student Council.
For the Class of 2026
Ticket 1: Nathan Long
As a candidate, the commitment to serving and advocating for the needs of people is a key characteristic for any person on the student council. Throughout my time at Jesuit, I have actively sought opportunities to contribute positively to our community, whether through volunteering, organizing events, or simply cheering on my peers at a football game.
I currently represent Jesuit through my participation in Student Council and the Brothers for Others service organizations. In which both of these have taught me vital leadership skills, some of which being, communication, problem solving, and the ability to work as a team for a greater purpose. That is why I believe that as a leader, it is important to not only accomplish goals, but rather find purpose in elevating those around you. Checking a box is easy, doing something that is uncomfortable out of the selflessness of an individual, in order to bring fulfillment to someone else’s life, is the thing that is very challenging for many. That is why I plan to work for the needs of individuals so that they can benefit from my participation in the Student Council.
Ticket 2: Pierce Nikolai
As a 10th grade student at Jesuit Dallas, I would be humbled to have your vote because I embody the values and qualities that our school stands for. I am currently a two year Hope Squad member, student ambassador, and track athlete here at Jesuit. In representing Jesuit Dallas, I plan to maintain a community where every student feels heard and valued. Also, my hope is to collect your ideas to improve the school. With respect and empathy, I aim to unite our diverse student body and amplify our voices. Additionally, I will be resourceful in seeking solutions to improve our school environment. For example, with the new parking arrangement regarding the current and future sophomores, I plan to suggest a carpool system within neighborhoods around the metroplex. My past leadership roles have been used to foster inclusion and I possess the capacity to inspire and motivate others within our school community. In conclusion, I am committed to serving as a representative for Jesuit Dallas with integrity and dedication. I am confident in my ability to effectively advocate for the needs and interests of my fellow students and work towards positive change within our school.
Ticket 3: Will Wayne
I am confident that I will be a good addition to the student council because I am an exceptional leader. At my previous school, I was part of the student council and became one of the top leaders in 8th grade. In that position, I helped plan dances, games at lunch, field day, and much more. This experience will help me fulfill the duties of a student council rep such as, plan mixers and other events at Jesuit. I have also already served on the Jesuit Student Council for one full year and have lots of experience in how to lead and also how things are to be expected at Jesuit. I represent Jesuit on the tennis team, I am an Admissions Ambassador and also volunteer at St. Patrick’s Refugee Outreach program multiple times per semester. Aside from my leadership experience and involvement in various activities, I strive to embody the values of Jesuit and to foster a sense of community and inclusivity among my peers, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued. Next, if I am elected to the student council, I believe that I am well-positioned to connect with people and identify how to make Jesuit an even better place. I am friends with so many different groups of people that it would be easy for me to reach out and hear what people are saying. In conclusion, I believe I would be a great addition to the Jesuit student council because I strive to live out the Profile of the Graduate every day, and I have the experience and diverse group of friendships to represent the entire class of 2026.
Ticket 4: Nate Sabogal
I believe that I should be elected because I want to be a part of something bigger than myself. My brother is currently a part of the student council and watching him give to the school has inspired me to do the same. I think I should be elected because being a part of Jesuit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and having an opportunity to give back to the school would be amazing. I currently represent Jesuit through sports. I play right wing and left wing on the JV soccer team. I represent what Jesuit is through the kindness I display to my friends, to the opponents and the respectfulness that I give to the coaches and to the referees. One way I plan to improve Jesuit would be through academic support. The transition from freshman to sophomore created an impact on everyone as the classes became harder and managing these classes became more difficult. I plan to offer a safe environment for people to discuss the struggles they may have regarding their academics. I believe this will allow the students to form deeper bonds with each other and the academic struggles that they may have. My leadership qualities make me well-suited for this role. I am attentive to the needs of my peers and offer support and guidance when needed. Additionally, my charismatic personality enables me to forge meaningful connections with others, creating a sense of collaboration within the school community around me.
Ticket 5: Teige Mitchell
As a future member of the Jesuit Student Council, I am prepared to take on the heavy responsibility of holding this prestigious position. My mentors and counselors have chosen me for several leadership positions during my two years at Jesuit, such as member of the Freshman Advisory Board and Admissions Ambassador. Through these experiences, I’ve been able to help my peers improve our school community as a whole. These positions have allowed me to contribute to improving the sense of brotherhood among students and the overall betterment of the school. I have a strong foundation in taking charge and equipping myself with the skills necessary for the Student Council, both inside and outside school. My experience as YMSL President of Leadership and Co-Founder of the Student Ambassador Program for Children’s Hospital has prepared me well for taking the next step in leading those around me. My goal as a member of the Student Council is to ensure that the student body has a more significant say and amplify the student voice in school decisions. To achieve this, I plan to contact students and ask for their ideas and opinions. To align with my strengths and aspirations, collaboration and effective communication are essential qualities for any council member. I am willing to work well with other council members and actively listen to concerns or suggestions from students. My educators, administrators, and peers have all put their trust in my work ethic and guidance, and I hope to further that trust as a member of the Jesuit Student Council.
Ticket 6: Luke Patterson 
Our school’s motto, Men for Others, is the foundation of the Student Council. Members of the Student Council should be the epitome of that phrase. As student leaders, council members are called not only to lead, but by serving their school community, too.
As a representative, I will bring experienced leadership and fresh perspective to the table. Being a member of many clubs here at Jesuit, I have been able to notice the diverse needs of a variety of different groups.Through my involvement in Campus Ministry, Ignatian Service Corps, and Campus Ambassadors, I demonstrate student and servant leadership. These clubs have taught me how to lead others, helping me to recognize people’s needs more effectively. Also, I have learned how to be a leader by representing my class as a band officer. My experiences in band and volleyball have taught me how to be an effective team participant who works well with not only my teammates but my suit brothers, too. This involvement grants me the opportunity to see challenges from many different perspectives, as well as understand various possible solutions and action plans.
Many of the events the Student Council plans are entertaining and enjoyable, but, like everything, there are always ways they can be improved. Keeping with a mindset of improvement, I will work to make Ranger Day and Homecoming the best they can be by diligently working to incorporate your ideas into the planning stages. Though I have my own thoughts on how to improve these events, I want to channel the opinions of the class into sound plans and ideas for future events. I am excited at the possibility of helping guide our class to its fullest potential, and cannot wait to begin serving my community in another way.
Ticket 7: Walker Heartfield
As a candidate for Jesuit Student Council, I believe I should be elected for several reasons. First, my commitment to Jesuit’s principles. I constantly strive to embody the school’s values by my actions, both through my hard work in my classes, and through my dedication to my extracurriculars such as my active participation in United to Lead and Grounds Crew. Also, by earning my Eagle Scout, I understand the commitment and perseverance it takes to be invested in all aspects of anything I am involved in.
As a class officer, I would take all of the comments I have heard from my classmates, over the past two years, and bring them to the other elected officers. I would request a roundtable where we would address and discuss all comments to see how we can make a difference. By doing this, we would strive to improve the life of the students. I believe it is important that every student is heard. One idea would be to have boxes around campus where any student could leave anonymous comments, questions or concerns. These anonymous comments could then be reviewed monthly by the student council. I will increase efforts, outside of the school, to show our community who we are and our belief in being Men for Others. As Jesuit students, we proudly give back to the community to help others and build our character. I believe our student body could – and should – do more to show the community who we are – Men for Others. As an example, on certain weekend days, we would all wear our Jesuit T-Shirts to display our belief and dedication to our high school. We could also contact various news organizations to invite them to see some of the wonderful things Jesuit has to offer.
My leadership qualities that set me apart include: effective communication, approachability, willingness to listen to everyone, decisiveness, and a strong commitment to our school. Throughout the process of earning my Eagle Scout, I improved on my ability to communicate, organize, and prove upon my ability to show a long term commitment to a relevant cause.
In summary, my dedication to the Jesuit values, and the active representation of the school, I have demonstrated leadership qualities that qualify me for the role of representing my classmates. If elected, I am committed to continuing the Jesuit motto of being Men for Others, and for improving the life of my classmates on a day to day basis.
Best of luck to all of the candidates in the upcoming election,
Stay tuned to The Roundup for more Jesuit Student Council and Election News.