The Matrix is a classic science fiction film that explores the idea of a simulated reality controlled by powerful machines. The film's action-packed plot, special effects, and thought-provoking themes make it a must-see for any science fiction fan. The concept of living in a simulated reality is prevalent in science fiction and the film raises important questions about the...
The Academy Awards, the world's largest film award event, has announced its nominees for winners in a number of categories for the 2023 Oscars. Here, we will break down the candidates for the major categories, evaluating which films should win, which are likely to win, and which were overlooked but should have received a nomination.
Beginning with Best Picture,...
Stranded, isolated, and left for dead amongst the barren sandy deserts of Mars, Mark Watney (Matt Damon), struggles to survive amongst the sea of nothingness. Separated from his crew during an intense sand storm, he faces the insurmountable challenge of surviving alone on Mars, with supplies for the mission intended to only feed the crew for a month, he...
 An Overview of the Hobby
The balisong hobby is a hobby that not many people are aware of. Some people might have heard of a balisong, more popularly known as a "butterfly knife" but not actually know much about them. Most people in the hobby, however, call it a balisong as that is the traditional name. It, according to oral...
The Golden Globes had their 80th award show on Tuesday night (Jan.10). While these Golden Globes have been under a microscope for transphobia, racism, and sexism within the organization, the show must go on. So down below is a list of every winner in every category for this year's Golden Globes.
Best motion picture - Drama
(Steven Spielberg accepting the Best...
If you don’t know we are smack dab in the middle of a melting pot of glorious and fascinating cultures present within Texas. As such, there are bound to be great selections of cuisine ranging from Soul, American, Hispanic, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, and more incredible choices to dine at. The following list will contain various different cuisines and as...
The "whodunit" genre has always been a style of movies or television that has either been a hit or a miss. Many have failed because some feel unoriginal, predictable, and overall unexciting. Three years ago, Rian Johnson released his take on the genre in the form of Knives Out. It was a masterpiece because it communicated a simple message...
The movie Black Adam was a masterpiece-- a great storyline, exciting twists, and the best special effects I have ever seen.Â
Of course, we all know that the great Dwayne The Rock Johnson is the main character of the movie, being Black Adam himself. But many actors other than The Rock have made quite a career in Hollywood.
This list includes...