Five seconds. Five seconds of machine-gun fire was all it took for the modern FBI to be created. The Kansas City Massacre of...
I've found it. No, not just the best burrito in the world, but also, heaven, my friends – heaven. In burrito form, that is....
For all those out there who favor Chipotle’s burrito over Qdoba’s there can be only one excuse: they’ve never tried Qdoba.
In my opinion Qdoba’s...
Crack! The 34.5 inch, 33 ounce brown wood bat connected with the small white ball blur, catapulting the baseball way over the centerfield wall,...
For several weeks of Fall 2011 The Roundup has had a poll in the bottom corner of its main page asking you, our readers,...
To compare Eminem’s raps in the hip-hop world to Elvis’s songs in the rock and roll world is correct to a degree, but it...
Documentary Review
Since 1987, the cable network A&E has run the popular “Biography” series, exploring the history of American companies and personalities. One such documentary...
Book Review: Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell had a decision to make, one that would turn into the most regretful decision of his...