This year's student council election for the freshmen class representatives will be held on this Wednesday, the 1st of November. In anticipation of the...
The last century has not been kind to the little region of Chechnya. A genocide, revolutionary chaos, a brutal war, an economic cataclysm, human...
Since everybody knows that Mr. Berry has the most delectable neckwear on campus, I've decided to take up the wondrous task of reviewing his...
With music blasting, and the Terry Center's floor shaking, Homecoming made its mark this year. Homecoming had some high expectations to fulfill and with...
On October 20, Jesuit students, joined by their Ursuline counterparts, descended on Jesuit's cafeteria and fields for game activities. Among those activities were spike...
This Jesuit school year has brought many changes to the community. Many of them have brought positive changes to the Jesuit community and campus....
The best tool we can give you is discernment because we're not going to be able to stay ahead and predict what it will...
Dallas Jesuit’s Hope Squad left campus last Thursday (October 19th) to attend the 2023 Texas Hope Squad conference out in Garland, Texas. Hope Squads...