Friday, May 3, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Welcome everyone to the Jesuit Ranger Experience Podcast! Today, we are highlighting two seniors Anton and Dawson about their accomplishments and experience at the exclusive STARS program at UT Southwestern. This program is for rising juniors that believe medicine may be something in their future or passion. These two seniors will share their experience with you about the program itself,...
Another summer of celebrations, graduations, introductions, summer school, and preparation for the new school year has come and gone and on August 21st, 2019, the Jesuit Dallas school community gathered together once again to mark the start of a new school year. Marking the first day of school, Mr. Tom Garrison' 92, Principal of Jesuit Dallas, kicked off the...
Thursday marked the opening of the first-ever Bountiful Scholars Tournament, sponsored by The Roundup. According to the advertisement that was sent out for the tournament earlier this semester, "the tournament seeks to showcase the wit and literary interpretative powers of the contestants." For this first round, scholars must analyze Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" and debate its meaning in...
There was a time when one could circumvent the classrooms of Jesuit College Preparatory School without passing a single electronic device, save the occasional overhead projector. In this not-so-distant past, cell phones were a rarity on campus, and only the most dedicated programmers owned personal computers (PC’s).   These days of electronic disconnect are a thing of the past. According to...
 One of the many milestones for every Jesuit senior, taking place after Senior Prom, Senior Convocation, Special Games, and just before graduation, is the Senior Mass and Breakfast. This year's Senior Mass and Breakfast was celebrated on Mother's Day, May 11th, with Mass in the Terry Center and breakfast in the Westin Galleria. This Mass and breakfast is a sign of...
“We humans seem to always find it easier to pray when we are afraid of dying, but most of us fortunately don’t find ourselves in life or death situations very often. But all of us as part of our human condition face another type of storm. We face our internal storms – involving relationships, family problems, and events we...
As hundreds of concerned parents file into Jesuit, several brave counselors have the arduous task of calming the parents and answering their questions about the new school year. Every Fall, Jesuit hosts a parent meeting for each class at Jesuit, inviting all parents to listen to their sons’ counselors talk about what’s in store for the upcoming year. However,...
For most students, driver's education classes are a hassle. They're long, boring, and take away precious time that they just can't waste on a school night. Furthermore, finding the time to fit a class in their schedules, all of which are chock-full of sports, extracurriculars, and especially homework, can be extremely difficult. Fortunately, there is good news for all...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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