Monday, May 20, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

This past Tuesday, October 11, 2011, Ms. Sheryl Row took her senior Honors English Seminar class on a field trip to three Museums in the Fort Worth area. On the way there the students learned a neat Dallas history fact when they drove by Eagle Ford District 49 Grade School, the first school for Mexican immigrants in the Dallas...
On a cold and windy morning last Monday, April 4, 2011, Jesuit sophomores arrived on campus with scaled-up models of molecules, ranging from testosterone to trinitrotoluene.  Students scurried through the back doors of the Terry Center, trying to hold together their constructions made of Styrofoam balls and wooden rods. Although the untimely gusts of wind may have shattered some students’...
Jesuit College Prep is one of the most innovative schools around, particularly when it comes to summer programs. A few years ago, science teachers Ben Kirby and Dr. Todd Gruninger started a Marine Biology summer program, where students got to earn half of a senior science credit by taking a three week course consisting of a two weeks in...
What does it mean to be human? Are we simply just the end result of millions of years of evolution, the unique creation of God, or both? That's what Mr. Stephen Pitts S.J.  and Dr. Todd Gruninger's presentation, What Does It Mean to be Human? dares to question. What exactly are we? Open to all students, the presentation took place last...
Starting off the 2011-2012 year guns blazin’, the senior Honors English Seminar class recently finished the book Where Men Win Glory by the author Jon Krakauer. The book details the life of Pat Tillman, an ex-NFL Arizona Cardinal, who traded a life of fame and fortune to become an Army Ranger. Pat was inspired to join the military following...
When observing the typical conversations between teenage boys, specifically Jesuit students, politics usually isn’t a topic that one would generally overhear. More often than not, it has something to do with sports, girls, the obnoxious amount of homework, or the latest iPad game. However, this year’s upcoming Issues Day aims to become a part of all conversations. Headed by Social...
If you happened to pass by the foreign language commons a couple of weeks ago, you might have noticed the colorful and elaborate altar celebrating Dia de los Muertos or “Day of the Dead.” For those of you unsure about what that is, it can best be summed up as a holiday that occurs on the second of November and...
With Thanksgiving now over, the season of Advent is here, starting on Sunday, December 3rd, and lasting for four Sundays up until Sunday, December 24th Christmas Eve. What is the Season of Advent you might ask? Advent comes from the Latin word “ad-venire” meaning to come towards. Advent is a time when we not only remember Jesus’ first coming...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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