Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Why is math important? It’s a question many students, trudging through the arduous task of learning math, have asked themselves. Upon further thought, one would dismiss the question as shortsighted, but when one adds profession into the mix, the question becomes “Why is math important to me if I want to study English?” The question changes into a somewhat...
Latin, French and Spanish have been the only language courses offered at Jesuit for over twenty years. Fortunately, for many incoming freshmen, there will be a new language course added, Mandarin Chinese. As early as last year, the heads of the Language Department, Mr. Seth Waits and Ms. Jody Klickman started discussing adding Mandarin, and this fall that will become...
...Teach me to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, labor and not to seek reward, except that of knowing that I do your will. St.Ignatius wrote these words in his famous Prayer for Generosity because he believed that his Society of Jesus and all good men should serve their community. All Jesuit students, parents, and...
Students fill Hughes Hall and sit shoulder to shoulder on the rustic brown steps as they listen to one of the many Pi Day presentations. On the day before Spring Break, Friday, March 7, Jesuit students experienced a Pi day that was very different from the expected all day event in the Terry Center. This year, in contrast to previous years,...
Over the weekend of March 1st, twenty-four Jesuit students competed for the first time in the Fête Française, a French competition hosted by Plano Senior High. Winning four awards*, Jesuit’s first attendance can be deemed a success, especially considering the competition. With over five hundred students coming from thirty different schools, the newcomers were up against plenty of seasoned...
Hallmarks of Jesuit physics, the annual Rube Goldberg projects are known for their difficulty but also their rewarding nature. Although they are certain to come with some frustration and head-scratching, these machines are ultimately rewarding, as students get to see a tiny marble set off a myriad of other processes, all on a contraption that they built themselves, culminating...
Jesuit College Prep is one of the most innovative schools around, particularly when it comes to summer programs. A few years ago, science teachers Ben Kirby and Dr. Todd Gruninger started a Marine Biology summer program, where students got to earn half of a senior science credit by taking a three week course consisting of a two weeks in...
The sleek, still, shining, shimmering  silver exteriors of the tall, glimmering buildings hide the countless activities inside as medical students and researchers go about their everyday business-- studying, attending lectures, and working in labs. The food court teems with life as students purchase a snack from a vending machine or buy a fresh cooked meal from one of the...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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