On May 9, 2024, The Roundup hosted its annual banquet. This special occasion celebrates the numerous accomplishments contributed by student writers and club moderators. Ranging from captivating community profiles to comprehensive coverage of global politics, The Roundup’s growing success is manifested through energetic staff writers and strong leadership under its current Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor. Finally, all of this...
Despite facing rigorous challenges and unexpected setbacks, the Jesuit FRC Robotics Team has emerged from the season with heads held high, showcasing their resilience, determination, and unwavering spirit. Under the guidance of their dedicated mentor and coach, Mr. Couvillon, the team embarked on a journey marked by both triumphs and tribulations, proving themselves as a force to be reckoned...
On May 21, 2024, the classes of 2026 and 2027 came together in the Mike and Mary Terry Family Foundation center to celebrate the accomplishments of members of the Freshmen and Sophomore classes.
Gathering and Opening Prayer
Mr. Earsing opened the convocation reminding students that “Jesuit Dallas’s honors convocation serves two purposes – one is to honor an individual for his...
Connor Cole has become the first ever Jesuit UIL Tennis Regional Champion in singles. Winning regionals and thus qualifying for state, Jesuit Tennis travelled to San Antonio in an attempt to be crowned best in Texas tennis.
Heading into regionals, Connor was fired up excited to have a chance at the win it all.
Connor won 4 total matches, the hardest...
On May 10, 2024, the Jesuit Dallas community assembled for the first of this year’s convocations: the senior convocation. This special occasion not only recognizes the multitudinous academic and extracurricular accomplishments of the senior class, but also its dedicated leadership of the student body. Following a special prayer by Fr. Tan and the singing of the Alma Mater by...
For the last time this year, Mr. Putnam lifts the baton, as a hush falls over the audience. The baton begins to slice through the air as it is filled with the warm sound of Grainger's Children's March. This concert, one semester in the making, featured performances by the Concert Band and Jazz Band, as well as Jesuit and...
So, we have yet another election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Most Americans hate this fact. They hate that they have to choose between a man unable to use a staircase or talk, and a man who doesn't seem to understand what the words "overthrowing the government is bad" means. How'd we get here? I'll clue you in,...
Jesuit Dallas's Track and Field Varsity postseason recently came to a close, competing at the UIL District 7-6A Championships on April 3rd & 4th, the UIL Area Championships on April 11th, the UIL Regional Championships on April 22nd, and the UIL State Championships on May 4th. It was a strong end to a historic season in which 4 records...