Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

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      Featured Articles

      "A true champion is a true champion. They go fight and win or lose, give it their all." - Glover Teixeira In the very fabled history of the Expository Bowl, only once has the newspaper claimed the famed Expository Bowl Trophy. This date came nearly 2 years ago when former EIC Blake Woodard '22 and Managing Editor Ajay Bhavan '22...
      In the vibrant heart of Dallas, the LifePak Initiative stands as a beacon of compassion, radiating warmth and hope to those in need. With a dedicated force of over 60 members, this extraordinary club has carved a profound impact on the local community, creating a ripple effect of kindness that transcends the boundaries of conventional charity work. Under the...
      Nine years after the publication of HBO's groundbreaking war epic, Band of Brothers, creators Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks forged a companion piece to their previous show. Seeking to explore a miniseries covering the stories of American Marines in the Pacific, the pair set out to create yet another emotionally intense, foreboding, yet commemorative film series to honor the sacrifices...
      For the past sixteen years Jesuit Dallas has participated in an exchange program with the Instituto de Ciencias in Guadalajara. This program serves as a long-standing reminder of the connections we have amongst the Jesuit community worldwide and a staple of our commitment to global inclusion and citizenship. In early February, nine Jesuit students, a mix of juniors and seniors,...
      On February 24, 2024, 40 Jesuit students competed in the JCL Area C competition at Richardson High School. JCL is a classical Latin and Greek competition where students are able to compete in academic competitions, but also participate in other activities where they can get awards. The students were joined by other students across the metroplex and were guided...
      During the week of spring break for Jesuit Dallas, one could find the Jesuit baseball team hitting batting practices and throwing bullpens on the field here at Jesuit. A week off of school doesn’t mean a week off of baseball. Spring break means the start of district for the Rangers, where their undefeated record serves nothing but intimidation for their...
      Part 3 of this series is about the 1973 Yom Kippur War, perhaps the closest call in Israel's history. The IDF's complacency and cockiness almost caught up with it this time, and this war would redefine all nations involved. Many a misconception exists about this war, with some Arab nationalists somehow deluding themselves into believing they won. I'm here to...
      The Atlantic Puffer Fish (Sphoeroides maculatus), or also known as the Northern Puffer Fish, is often enveloped in an aura of mystery and intrigue. This species of Puffer fish is located within the temperate waters of the Western Atlantic, ranging from Canada to Florida. In these waters, predators have become deterred to approach these puffer fish on account of...

      About Jesuit Dallas

      Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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