Founded by Dennis Kamara ’13, Brothers for Others is unlike any other club at Jesuit. Created with the intent of helping children with Down syndrome and autism, rooted in Dennis’ own experience with a Down syndrome younger brother, the club has a foundation in deep compassion and understanding.

Now that the founder has graduated, Brothers for Others looks forward to this year with great anticipation, a chance to continue the tradition set forth by Dennis. With a bit of a slow start, club members look to really get into gear this spring semester.

Led by moderators Mrs. Anne Blackford, co-chair of the math department, and Mr. Patrick Triplett, history teacher, as well as seniors Justin Rubenstein, Patrick Arraj, and Steven Lee, Brother for Others is well-equipped to help the cause. Even so, the club looks to bring in new members to ensure its continued success at Jesuit.

Dedicated to helping these special needs kids, Brothers for Others members feel that Down syndrome and autism are pressing issues worth their involvement.

Down syndrome, a birth defect marked by the presence of three copies of chromosome 21, impairs normal growth and development in many ways. Generally, a child with Down syndrome has stunted growth, mental retardation, a particular set of facial characteristics, and a number of other medical conditions like congenital heart disease. Even so, with appropriate attention and care, many Down syndrome individuals go on to function successfully in society, graduating high school and even getting jobs.

Autism, on the other hand, is a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction. Although researchers know that autism affects information processing in the brain, the disorder is, as a whole, still not understood well. Research conducted by major universities and institutions has failed in pinning down the exact cause of autism. Additionally, a marked increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism has arisen in the past three decades, so much study is yet to be done.

With its next meeting on Wednesday, November 30, the club will look ahead to the next semester and welcome new members (with food!). Soon after, the club will shift its focus to the Notre Dame School Christmas Dance on December 13th, the annual dance hosted at Jesuit now in its seventh year. Attending a school for children with mental disabilities, the Notre Dame students enjoy every minute of the dance, excited to welcome in the holiday season with a great group of Jesuit guys.

After the holiday break, Brothers for Others will open the year with a 3 on 3 basketball tournament in January or February. All proceeds will go to the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas and Autism Speaks, an easy way to help out and have fun.

Next, a speaker from the Focus on the Future School of Plano will be a guest speaker at a Brothers for Others meeting. The school is making promising advances with children that have autism and other developmental disorders, finding great success with children of all ages, from three years old all the way through 12th grade. For more information on the School, see

In addition to these events, the club encourages  members to volunteer with the Buddy League, a baseball league for children with autism. This year long service event allows children with special needs to play alongside “Buddies,” creating a friendly, fun atmosphere that these children don’t often have. While the children learn important social skills, the “Buddies” also gain a great deal, getting to have a great time with these wonderful kids. Check out the Buddy League’s website for more information,

With all of the work that is to be done, Brothers for Others needs new members! Mrs. Blackford said “I wish we had more members so we could have a greater impact” and that “with greater numbers we will be able to take a more active role in the autism awareness and Down syndrome communities in Dallas.” Ultimately, she hopes that Brothers for Others will become a completely “student driven project.”

With plenty of great opportunities and great people, Brothers for Others is a great organization, aligning excellently with Jesuit ideals and helping those who are in need. Go to the next meeting and see if you want to be a part of this admirable club!