On November 8th, 2022, The Roundup hosted a mock election for this year’s Texas governor race between Greg Abbott and Beto O’Rourke. In addition, there was a Halloween candy competition between Reese’s Pieces and Starburst. Even though Kanye West and Donald Trump were not on the ballot, many students showed up to fulfill their civic duties. 


Total Votes: 241 

Governor Greg Abbott (R) → 133 votes (58.6%)

Beto O’Rourke (D) → 94 votes (41.4%) 

Total Votes: 241 

Reese’s Pieces → 118 votes (50.4%)

Starburst → 116 votes (49.6%)


“I thought that this election went very well, including everything from the ballots to the advertisements. Also, I really enjoyed working with my fellow Roundup members in carrying out the logistics.” – Peter Loh ‘24, Viewpoint Editor

Nathan Pascas ’26, a Roundup writer who helped counted the ballots

“As one of the election helpers, I really liked how the process of voting went. It felt like real voting. In addition, I thought that the voting process was swift and efficient.” – Sebastian Suwanda ‘26, Roundup member

“I really liked how this voting process incorporated the Halloween candy. I believed this made the election more interesting and certainly entertaining.” – William Spicer ‘24

“I thought that the election was fun. Even though there were no libertarians, I thought it was funny how other students asked for Kanye or Trump.” – Leo Fernandez ‘26


The schoolwide election projected the statistics of our students’ political affiliations and candy preferences. I would like to thank everyone who made the election possible and all who participated. 

Stay tuned to The Roundup for more student and 2022 midterm election news!

Anthony Nguyen '24, Managing Editor
Anthony has spent three years working for The Roundup. He is involved in Model UN, UIL Academics, Environmental Society, National Honor Society, and Key Club (junior year). In his free time, Anthony watches high-quality movies and TV shows like The Gentlemen and House of Cards to name a few. Also, he invests time in rooting for the Cowboys, Mavericks, and Rangers, even when times are difficult. Anthony will attend Boston College and major in economics.