Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Authors Articles by Anthony Nguyen '24, Managing Editor

Anthony Nguyen '24, Managing Editor

Anthony Nguyen '24, Managing Editor
Anthony is the current Managing Editor working in his third year for the newspaper, previously serving as Associate Editor and News Editor. He is involved in Model UN, UIL Academics, Environmental Club, National Honor Society, and Key Club (junior year). In his free time, Anthony enjoys high-quality films and sporting events involving the Cowboys, Mavericks, and Rangers. Anthony will attend Boston College and major in economics.
On March 20, 2023, a group of exchange students from the Instituto de Ciencias in Guadalajara, Mexico. Upon arrival, the visiting students were warmly greeted by their Jesuit host brothers. The Guadalajara group stayed in Dallas from March 20 to April 15. During their stay, the Guadalajara students shared classes, extracurriculars, and sports with their host brothers, as well...
On April 15, 2023, at around 7 PM, masses of Jesuit students and their dates and friends from other schools crowded outside the entrance. At the entrance, Jesuit and Ursuline administrators formed a tunnel and greeted the eager students. Soon, dinner was served through fresh catering of chicken parmesan, baked ziti, and salad. After the dinner, the students crowded...
On April 5, 2023, the Junior Class of 2024 underwent a day-long retreat on campus. Juniors were divided into groups led by PALS (junior service organization) members. Throughout the retreat, students completed many activities from ranking the best senior experiences to listening to faculty talks about faith and leadership. Later that evening, the Junior Cross Mass was held to...
On March 23, 2023, after school Wednesday seemed ordinary for most Jesuit students. However, that ordinary day was the annual Ranger Rally event. Every year, once accepted into Jesuit Dallas, 8th graders from middle schools across the DFW metroplex are invited to come to campus. The 8th graders would meet our school’s enthusiastic faculty members and students. This year’s...
On March 25th, a group Jesuit students competed in the annual UIL Academics District Competition. This competition consists of nearly two dozen events. For this year, Jesuit competed in six of these events: Calculator Applications, Current Issues & Events, Mathematics, Number Sense, Ready Writing, and Spelling. Also, this year marked a new change as Highland Park’s realignment to 7-6A...
In 2018, Mr. Claudio Eduardo Pinto joined the Jesuit Dallas community as a Spanish teacher. Since then, Mr. Eduardo Pinto has been an integral part of our school, whether it is through Spanish or TED-Ed. On December 13, 2022, Mr. Eduardo Pinto completed his process of becoming a US citizen. Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Eduardo...
Annually, the Jesuit student body decides who will best represent their school in the Student Council (STUCO) elections. On March 8, 2023, this year will feature four juniors and seven sophomores running for STUCO class officer positions. In the past few weeks leading up to voting day, candidates have conducted advertising campaigns throughout school. The speeches below reflect each...
On February 6, 2023, a group of students from Le Caousou in Toulouse, France arrived in Dallas. This group of students are part of an exchange program where they will accompany their host brothers to classes and extracurricular activities. The objective of the exchange is for students from both schools to experience what differences and similarities there are in...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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